The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: MonarchieLu

Mass of the Deceased

Last Friday, members of the Belgian royal family attended the traditional Mass together with in memory of the deceased members of the royal family at the Church of Our Lady of Laeken.

Gray pearl coat with darker stripes. Large hat by Fabienne Delvigne, gloves, clutch, stockings and assorted pumps. This Friday, February 17th 2017, Mathilde of Belgium in the company of her husband the King Philippe, attended the annual mass of the deceased, a tradition started on the same date for more than 80 years, in memory of the deceased members of the royal family of Belgium. The first took place on February 17th 1935, the anniversary of the death of King Albert I, who died a year earlier in a climbing accident at Marche-les-Dames.

Originally announced, her father-in-law former King Albert II was finally absent for this ceremony that took place in the Church of Our Lady of Laeken. The former sovereign had canceled his participation, due to the urgent hospitalization of his wife Queen Paola.

Read more : Queen Paola re-hospitalized

If the sister and brother of the monarch, Princess Astrid and Prince Laurent of Belgium, also missed the call, along with their spouses Prince Lorenz and Princess Claire, several other members of the royal family stood by Philippe and Mathilde. Aunt Princess Maria-Esmeralda of Belgium, the youngest daughter of King Leopold III (grandfather of King Philip), was with her son Leopoldo. Her sister-in-law, Princess Lea, the widow of Prince Alexander, was also there. Like the two sisters and one of the brothers of the Grand Duke Henry of Luxembourg: Princess Margaretha of Liechtenstein, Princess Marie Astrid of Luxembourg with her husband Archduke Carl Christian of Habsburg and Prince William of Luxembourg with his wife Princess Sibilla. Let us recall that their mother, the wife of the Grand Duke John of Luxembourg, was Princess Josephine Charlotte of Belgium, the eldest daughter of King Leopold III, and that they are the first cousins ​​of King Philip.
Photo credits: Paris Match

Prince Louis and Princess Tessy of Luxemborg are getting a divorce

"Prince Louis and Princess Tessy have decided to divorce," an announcement the Grand Duke of Luxembourg issued in a statement on Wednesday evening.

Sad news coming out of Luxembourg. In a statement issued on Wednesday evening, January 18th, the Grand Ducal Court announced the divorce between Prince Louis and his wife Tessy. "Their Royal Highnesses the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess regret to announce that Prince Louis and Princess Tessy have decided to divorce," says the message from the palace. "Under these painful circumstances, they count on the understanding of all to respect the private sphere of the couple and their children."

Prince Louis born on August 3rd 1986 is the third son of the Grand Duke Henry and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, behind Prince William and Prince Felix. BLouis is Prince of Luxembourg, Prince of Bourbon-Parme and Prince of Nassau.

On 29 September 2006, Louis married Tessy Antony who was born on 28 October 1985. Engaged in the Luxembourg Army, she participated as a transport vehicle driver in the United Nations operation in Kosovo. It was during a visit of the troops to the Luxembourg that the prince met his future wife.

At the time of their marriage, the couple had already given birth to their first child Gabriel who was born on  March 28th 2006 in Geneva, Switzerland. He is the first grandchild of Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa. The couple had a second son, Noah, born on September 21st 2007.

For his marriage with Tessy, Louis had abandoned his place in the order of succession to the throne. On the occasion of the national holiday of 2009, Tessy and the two boys received the titles of princess and princes by the Grand-Duke Henri. Louis and Tessy, married and parents at 20 years, have continued brilliant studies - in communication, she in international relations. The family lived in London.

La reception de Nouvel An chez la famille grande ducale Luxembourgeois

Le mardi 10 janvier, à l'occasion du Nouvel An, leurs Altesses Royales le Grand-Duc et la Grande-Duchesse, le Grand-Duc héréditaire et la Grande-Duchesse ont reçu successivement une audience pour la réception du Nouvel An au Grand Palais Ducal. Président de la Chambre des Députés, M. Mars di Bartolomeo et du Bureau de la Chambre des Députés du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, suivis du Premier Ministre et Ministre d'État Xavier Bettel et des membres du Gouvernement du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.

Photo Credits: Cour Ducale

Le lendemain, Leurs Altesses Royales ont continué à recevoir avec succès au Palais Grand Ducal, le Président et les membres du Bureau du Conseil d'Etat, Les représentants des Autorités Nationales suivis par les membres du Corps Diplomatique accrédités au Luxembourg, Des représentants des institutions européennes, ainsi que des membres de la Maison Grand-Ducale.

Luxembourg New Year Receptions

On Tuesday, January 10th, Their Royal Highnesses the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess, the Hereditary Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess on the occasion of the New Year have successively received an audience for the New Years reception at the Grand Ducal Palace. President of the Chamber of Deputies, Mr Mars di Bartolomeo and the Bureau of the Chamber of Deputies of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, followed by Prime Minister and Minister of State Xavier Bettel and members of the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.
Photo Credits: Cour Ducale

The following day, Their Royal Highnesses continued successfully receiving in audience at the Grand Ducal Palace, the President and members of the Bureau of the Council of State , The representatives of the National Authorities followed by the members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to Luxembourg, the representatives of the European Institutions, as well as the members of the Grand Ducal House.

La Cour Ducale du Luxembourg: Les Nouvelles photos de la Grande-Duchesse

A l'occasion de son 60e anniversaire qui sera célébré le 22 Mars, Le Palais Ducal a libérer des nouveaux portraits de la grande-duchesse.

© Cour grand-ducale/Sylvie Lancrenon/Cours Ducale

On Mardi Grande-Duchesse Maria Teresa était un éditeur en chef  invité spécial pour le papier de nouvelles Luxembourg Tageblatt, avec un accent sur la microfinance et un rôle international actif pour les femmes La pièce éditoriale du Grand duchesses a souligné le rôle des femmes et des filles dans la construction d'une "culture de la paix "qui est" sur l'éducation Fondé et le partage "(" basée sur l'éducation et le partage »).
Elle travaille actuellement en étroite collaboration avec les journalistes et les artistes ensemble et décide ce qui est le mercredi sur la première page du journal.
Lors de la première séance d'information, elle a été un participant. Les thèmes proposés pour les différentes rubriques sont déjà sur la table. Le thème de la Grande-Duchesse est: la microfinance.

Son Altesse Royale la Grande-Duchesse a prononcé un discours au Lycée Technique du Centre le mercredi matin. Un discours, après quoi la Grande-Duchesse a rencontré en petits groupes avec des étudiants autour de thèmes tels que l'immigration, les réfugiés, la monarchie et troubles spécifiques du langage.
© Jessica Bettendorff /Cour Ducale

The Luxembourg Ducal COurts: New Official Portraits of The Grand-Duchess

On the occasion of her 60th birthday which will celebrated on March 22nd, The Ducal Palace release new portraits of the Grand Duchess.

© Cour grand-ducale/Sylvie Lancrenon/Cours Ducale

On Tuesday Grand Duchess Maria Teresa was a special guest Editor in Chief for the Luxembourg news paper Tageblatt, with a focus on microfinance and an active international role for women
 The Grand Duchess's editorial piece highlighted the role of women and girls in building a "culture of peace" that is "fondé sur l’éducation et le partage" ("based on education and sharing").

She is now working closely with the journalists and artists together and decides what is on Wednesday on the first page in the Diary.

At the first briefing she has been a participant. The suggested topics for the various headings are already on the table. The theme of the Grand Duchess is: microfinance.

Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess gave a speech at the Lycée Technique du Centre on Wednesday morning. A speech after which the Grand Duchess met in small groups with students around themes such as immigration, refugees, the monarchy and specific language impairment.
© Jessica Bettendorff /Cour Ducale

The Luxembourg Ducal Courts: The Grand Duchy Couple pays respect to the Paris events

On Monday, Their Royal Highnesses the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess together with Prime Minister, Minister of State, Xavier Bettel and members of the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, laid a wreath in front of the Embassy of France in Luxembourg and participated in the minute of silence dedicated to victims of the November 13, 2015 attacks in Paris.

While at the forecourt of the Grand Ducal Palace, Their Royal Highnesses the Hereditary Grand Duke Prince Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Princess Stephanie accompanied members the Grand Ducal Court of staff respected the minute of silence dedicated to victims of the attacks of Paris.

The Royal Court Wedding Anniversary: Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie of Luxembourg Wedding

Earlier this week (Monday October 19&October 20th) The Hereditary Grand Ducal Couple Prince Guillaume and Princess Stephanie of Luxembourg celebrated their third wedding anniversary.

On October 19 and 20th 2012, Prince Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duke of Luxembourg married his fiancée Countess Stephanie de Lannoy, a young and pretty young woman from the Belgian aristocracy.

An autumn wedding. On Friday, October 19th, the lovers united under the law at the City Hall of Luxembourg, in the presence of their families. The next day, under the eyes of representatives of all European Monarchies, the couple said "yes" in the Notre-Dame Cathedral, Luxembourg.

We wish the Grand Ducal Couple a happy anniversary




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