The Japanese Imperial Courts: Commemoration of the First Emperor - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Japanese Imperial Courts: Commemoration of the First Emperor


This year 2016, the Japanese commemorated the 2600th anniversary of the death of their first emperor and mythical founding father, Jimmu. in 660 BC, who died 75 years later in -585, at the age of 126 years. The current Emperor Akihito, who is direct descendant of Jimmu, took part in his homage. This April 3rd in the Nara Prefecture to visit the grave of his very distant ancestor.

His Imperial Majesty Emperor Akihito was not only accompanied by his wife HIM Empress Michiko but his younger son HIH Fumihito, Prince of Akishino and his wife HIH Princess Kiko of Akishino. They visited the tomb of Emperor Jimmu in Kashihara for a ceremony and visited Kashihara-jingu, the Shinto shrine where his spirit is being honored.

"Japan Times" reported that their eldest son Crown Prince Naruhito and his wife Crown Princess Masako meanwhile remained in Tokyo and attended a ritual in honor of Jimmu at the Imperial Palace. Princesses Mako and Kako of Akishino as well as other members of the imperial family were also present. The English Japanese media emphasizes that Princess Masako had not participated in a ceremony at the Imperial Palace in January 2009.

This Monday, April 4th TIM Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko were still in Nara prefecture. They visited the kofun (tomb) of Takamatsuzuka, located in the village of Asuka. It was the first time that the imperial couple discovered that circular mound 18 meters in diameter and 5 meters high, dating from the late seventh and early eighth centuries. For reasons of fragility and conservation, the Emperor and Empress of Japan were unable to get inside. However, they admired the reproduction of its remarkable frescoes contained characters, animals and constellations in the adjacent museum.
Photo Credits: PAris MAtch

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