The Japanese Imperial Courts: Emperor Akihito's health news


The Japanese Imperial House Agency announced earlier this morning(Japan's time) that His Imperial Majesty Emperor Akihito recently has been diagnosed with influenza. His Imperial Majesty has not been hospitalize but is on antibiotics medication at the Imperial Palace.

According to the agency, His Majesty showed symptoms such as pain, fever with temperatures showing between 37 and 38 degrees and complained of sore throat on the 27th, and on the night of the 28th, was diagnosed with type A influenza.

A few engagements which required His Imperial Majesty's presence including conferences and official audience with Ambassador of Tanzania to Japan which had been scheduled on the 29th, the Board of Audit length, such as the lunch of the National Personnel Authority president, all have been postponed. For public service after tomorrow, it is determined while looking at the symptoms.

We wish the His Imperial Majesty quick recovering

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