The Belgian Royal Courts: Queen Mathilde attend Gabrielle Petit commermoration - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Belgian Royal Courts: Queen Mathilde attend Gabrielle Petit commermoration


This April 3rd Queen Mathilde of Belgium made a 100-year leap in time. Back on April 1st, 1916, Gabrielle Petit was shot in Schaerbeek, town gates of Brussels. This young Belgian woman of 22, a volunteer with the Red Cross, had been sentenced to death by the German army for spying for the Allies. To mark the centenary of his execution, a ceremony was held Sunday on the Place Saint-Jean in Brussels, where a statue pays tribute since 1923.

Participating in this commemoration, she wore a striped gray coat of the Belgian brand Natan which she last wore in October 11th 2015 also underneather were a gray skirt as her clutch and her shoes, laid a wreath at the foot of the bronze effigy Gabrielle Petit, like the federal government representatives and several patriotic associations. She also attended the musical depicting the last moments of the life of this iconic resistant to the First World War in occupied Belgium, who worked for British intelligence.
Photo Credit: MonarchieBe/Facebook/Paris Match

Their Majesties the King and Queen on April 2nd morning visited the Saint Michael Hospital in Brussels. Then the Queen visited the Stuyvenberg Hospital in Antwerp. The Monarchs visited victims of the attacks of  March 22nd in Brussels Airport and the Brussels metro, and spoke with members of the emergency services and meet the nursing staff.

Now that the first victims are buried, will the thoughts of the King and Queen to the families and relatives. And they live with the victims who are still fighting for their lives and their families.

Queen Mathilde was wearing black trousers topped by a white jacket

Their Majesties the King and Queen proceeded on the morning of March 29th to the General Hospital Jan Portaels Vilvoorde, UZ Brussel in Jette campus and University Hospital Sint Pieters Brussels. Queen Mathilde today wore black trousers topped by a white top and a gray blazer. This blazer with a black button front, in my novel. Queen Mathilde combined with black pumps and a black clutch

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