The Belgian Royal Courts: State visit day 3 - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Belgian Royal Courts: State visit day 3


This Thursday, the arm of her husband King Philippe of Belgium, Queen Matilda gal in the province of Liège President of the Federal Republic of Germany Joachim Gauck and his partner Daniela Schadt. The opportunity to get noticed by ... his shoes.

HM Queen Mathilde's floral pair of shoes were the subject of much discussion among the spectators, relatively surprised by these colorful prints. If some loved, others hated. Tastes and colors, it does not discuss ... "writes belgian media La Meuse.

The Queen of the Belgians had indeed shod white shoes strewn with roses solids and garnet to accompany with her husband Philip, the German presidential couple on the last day of his official visit to Belgium. The young woman of 43 years had the go with a red cherry dress in pleated skirt on the left side and a bibi same tone.

For the third day of the visit of Joachim Gauck and Daniela Schadt in their kingdom, Mathilde and Philippe took them to the German-speaking province of Liège, with the reception program at Liege city hall and lunch at the palace of the Prince-Bishops but also visit business in Seraing or round table on the theme of the Meuse-Rhine cross-border cooperation in Eupen.
Photo Credit: Paris Match

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