The Dutch Royal Courts: IN Memory of Prince Friso - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Dutch Royal Courts: IN Memory of Prince Friso


Like last year, the late Dutch Princedied 12 August 2013 after 18 months in a coma following his skiing accident in the Austrian Alps, Prince Friso’s mother and his widow were side by side for his honor. Princess Beatrix and Princess Mabel had returned to the university in Delft Inholland where they attended the awarding of a Prince Friso Engineer of the Year award.
For the occasion, Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau had chosen to dress in a mottled black and white dress was floor of shoes giving the illusion of black lace. Her mother-in law former Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands had opted for a silver dress with entire branches of bamboo and its coordinated khaki coat.
As a mechanical and aerospace engineer, Prince Friso, second son of the former sovereign, was a member of KIVI (Het Koninklijk Instituut van Ingenieurs - The Royal Institute of Engineers). Also this professional association of engineers and engineering students strong Netherlands more than 20 000 members she decided in 2015 to name his price for the Engineer of the Year, awarded it for some time the name of Prince Friso, the late brother of the current King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands.
©PAris MAtch

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