The Bahrain & Jordanian Royal Courts: Princess Dana Firas in Bahrain - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Bahrain & Jordanian Royal Courts: Princess Dana Firas in Bahrain


Princess Dana Firas of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan was visiting the Kingdom of Bahrain on February 29th to participate in the Arab Regional Centre for Global Heritage in its celebration of Arab Tourism Day2016. She was received by Supreme Council for Health (SCH)'s Chairman Lt-General Dr. Shaikh Mohammed bin Abdullah Al Khalifa.

Princess Dana Firas is in the middle in black and white

Princess Dana Firas is wife to HRH Prince Firas bin Ra'ad. Prince Firas is son to Prince Raad, Prince Zeid, Raad's father (heir apparent to the Iraqi Throne following the assassination of his paternal first cousin once removed King Faisal II, the last king of Iraq, in a bloody coup d'état on 14 July 1958, Crown Prince Abd-al-Illah was also killed). Prince Firas is third cousin once remove to King Abdullah II of Jordan. King Abdullah II's grandfather King Talal and Prince Firas' father are paternal cousin

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