The Belgian Royal Courts: Prince Amedeo and his wife Mrs Elisabeth show support to mum Princess Astrid - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Belgian Royal Courts: Prince Amedeo and his wife Mrs Elisabeth show support to mum Princess Astrid


Monday night in Brussels, a page turned for Princess Astrid of Belgium. And for the occasion, her husband Prince Lorenz ArchDuke of Austria-Estria, their eldest son Princes Amedeo and the young wife of the latter Elisabetta von Wolkenstein Rosboch, called Lili.

For the last 8 years, Astrid of Belgium was the UN special representative for the Roll Back Malaria Partnership (RBM) for the global fight against malaria. A mission which ends this year end as related to the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2000-2015 UN. Also, the reception Roll Back Malaria held this December 14th at Val Duchesse Castle in Brussels.
If Princess Astrid was naturally for the evening accompanied by her husband Prince Lorentz, she was also able to count on the presence of the eldest of their five children, Prince Amedeo. Thus recently reinstated in the order of succession to the throne of Belgium by his uncle the king of the Belgians Philippe, was with his wife, the Italian journalist Elisabetta Rosboch von Wolkenstein, commonly named Lili. Which had chosen to appear in a total black look while her mother-in-law had associated a top gold and silver in a gray skirt and a caramel stole.
Although absent, the Secretary General of the United Nations, however, had wanted to be there virtually. Ban ki-Moon has indeed delivered a speech via video. It paid tribute to the commitment of Princess Astrid in the global fight against malaria. "Your unwavering commitment has helped save more than six million lives and achieving the goal related to malaria contained in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs French). I salute your remarkable compassion, your decisive action and your tireless activism. I am inspired by your personal commitment to humanity. And I am honored to have worked with you to end malaria deaths, "he said, according to comments reported by the Belgian daily 'La Libre."
Photo Credit: Paris Match

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