The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Archeduchess of Austria-Este

The King's speech to Belgian's government

This Tuesday morning, King Philippe was accompanied by his wife and family to receive the Belgian authorities on the occasion of the New Year.

On the last day of January 2017, Their Majesties still had a New Year's reception at their schedule. This time, the royal couple received in Brussels the authorities of the country.

Read : Their Majesties from the Royal Palace at night center for homeless

For this appointment under the golds of the Royal Palace, Mathilde of Belgium appeared in a new straight dress with three-quarter sleeves. Very original, this one juxtaposed strips of floral or geometric patterns in shades of black and beige. The 44-year-old had completed this two-tone look with pumps and a beige pocket. Also present at this ceremony with her husband Prince Lorentz, was sister-in-law Princess Astrid of Belgium had opted for a cream skirt and a jacket of this color lined with a red and black stripes and embellished with big roses by Gucci. All accompanied by suede heels and a golden bag.

In front of several hundred guests from the political, economic, academic and legal world of his kingdom, His Majesty the King in a traditional annual event in his opening speech to the constituted bodies, which had focused on the theme of trust, the sovereign expressed his disappointment at the choice of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union and of course election of Donald Trump in the United States. "Without naming the two countries, faithful allies of Belgium, he pinned their decision to" refocus on themselves, "" said Belgian press "Le Soir" .

The Belgian media also indicates that in this year 2017 marking the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, which laid the foundations for European integration, "the King of the Belgians recalled his attachment to this project which founded the European reconciliation after a" Fratricidal war ". "Let's seize this moment as an opportunity for Europe. Let us continue to build a Europe that allows our national identities to strengthen by collaborating, rather than weakening each other by confronting each other, "he concluded.
Photo Credit: Paris Match

The Monegasque and Belgian Royal Courts: Princess Astrid and Caroline Casiraghi at a gala dinner

Last Saturday January 30th, Charlotte Casiraghi participated with Princess Astrid Archduchess of Austria-Este, at the gala dinner of the FXB International Association.

Ravishing in a dark blue sleeveless shift dress marked the size of a black ribbon belt, her hair pulled into a ponytail, Charlotte Casiraghi was on January 30 in the Belgian capital where she attended an evening at the hotel the Plaza. The niece of Prince Albert II of Monaco met with Princess Astrid of Belgium, Archduchess of Austria-Este who had opted for a black dress and glittering silver she wore upon arrival with a fur cape.

If Charlotte Casiraghi made the trip to participate in the gala dinner organized by the FXB International Association is simply because it was founded by the Countess Albina du Boisrouvray who is no other than her godmother. This is what underlines the Belgian daily 'La Dernière Heure'. This media recall that the latter, Grimaldi cousin, created in 1989 this association, which actively work to lift families out of extreme poverty, in memory of her only son François-Xavier Bagnoud driver. The latter died January 14, 1986 at the age of 24 years at the helicopter crash occurred on the sidelines of the 8th edition of the Paris-Dakar and which also claimed the lives of the singer Daniel Balavoine, in Thierry Sabine race organizer and two other people.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

The Belgian Royal Courts: Prince Amedeo and his wife Mrs Elisabeth show support to mum Princess Astrid

Monday night in Brussels, a page turned for Princess Astrid of Belgium. And for the occasion, her husband Prince Lorenz ArchDuke of Austria-Estria, their eldest son Princes Amedeo and the young wife of the latter Elisabetta von Wolkenstein Rosboch, called Lili.

For the last 8 years, Astrid of Belgium was the UN special representative for the Roll Back Malaria Partnership (RBM) for the global fight against malaria. A mission which ends this year end as related to the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) 2000-2015 UN. Also, the reception Roll Back Malaria held this December 14th at Val Duchesse Castle in Brussels.
If Princess Astrid was naturally for the evening accompanied by her husband Prince Lorentz, she was also able to count on the presence of the eldest of their five children, Prince Amedeo. Thus recently reinstated in the order of succession to the throne of Belgium by his uncle the king of the Belgians Philippe, was with his wife, the Italian journalist Elisabetta Rosboch von Wolkenstein, commonly named Lili. Which had chosen to appear in a total black look while her mother-in-law had associated a top gold and silver in a gray skirt and a caramel stole.
Although absent, the Secretary General of the United Nations, however, had wanted to be there virtually. Ban ki-Moon has indeed delivered a speech via video. It paid tribute to the commitment of Princess Astrid in the global fight against malaria. "Your unwavering commitment has helped save more than six million lives and achieving the goal related to malaria contained in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs French). I salute your remarkable compassion, your decisive action and your tireless activism. I am inspired by your personal commitment to humanity. And I am honored to have worked with you to end malaria deaths, "he said, according to comments reported by the Belgian daily 'La Libre."
Photo Credit: Paris Match

The Belgium Royal Courts: The Belgium Royal Family attended the Te Duem mass service

King Albert and Queen Paola, Princess Astrid, Archduchess of Austria-Este and Prince Lorenz, Archduke of Austria-Este attended the Te Deum Mass on King’s Day at the Saints Michel Cathedral in Brussels, Belgium on November 15, 2015. (Since 1866, for over 148 years King’s Day has been celebrated in honour of the Belgian monarch. 15 November marks the first day of the Feast of Saint Leopold in the German liturgical calendar, while it is the Feast of Saint Albert in the Roman Catholic Calendar) (The Te Deum (also known as Ambrosian Hymn or A Song of the Church) is an early Christian hymn of praise. The title is taken from its opening Latin words, Te Deum laudamus, rendered as 'Thee, O God, we praise')-wikipedia
This year's mass was held under tight very security following Friday events
Photo Credits: rtl.be




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