The Spanish Royal Courts: Her Majesty Queen Letizia attended Nutrigenomics - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Spanish Royal Courts: Her Majesty Queen Letizia attended Nutrigenomics


Her Majesty the Queen, Special Ambassador of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for Nutrition, attended the Seminar of the Higher Council for Scientific Research in Nutrigenomics, a branch of nutritional genomics studies the effect of nutrients on the genome, proteome and metabolome at CSIC(Superior Council for Scientific Research Institute) on November 30, 2015 in Madrid, Spain.

Her Majesty had her hair straighten and in a her classic navy blue pantsuit she wore  Hugo Boss 'Tazotti' trousers with a white  Hugo Boss 'Banora' blouse with round neckline. A working, business woman look that perfectly suited her appointment. She paired her outfits with Magrit 'Mila' pumps, Links of London Hope Egg earrings and navy leather Loewe Large Double Pouch
 Photo Credits: Casa del Rey/Paris Match

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