The Belgian Royal Courts: Princess Claire and kids were at the Circus - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Belgian Royal Courts: Princess Claire and kids were at the Circus


On the eve of their last performance at the Brussels Atomium where the Circus settled since October 14th, the Bouglione circus has played the show this December 5 in favor of the Prince and Princess Alexandre of Belgium's Safety Fond. Prince Alexandre is half brother to Belgiums former kings the Late King Baudouin and Albert II -from the union of their father King Leopold III with his second wife Lillane Baels, this foundation helps individuals living in vulnerable and ill related condition.
Princess Leah who's name is in the foundation with her husband Prince Alexander was obviously present. But she was not the only member of the Belgian royal family to attend this special performance. Princess Claire was there too, but without her husband Prince Laurent, but in the company of their daughter Princess Louise, 11 and a half years, and their twins Prince Nicolas and Aymeric the princes who will celebrate their 10 years on 13 December. Invited on stage, the three children of the king's younger brother Philippe took part in a number clowns, under the tender eye of their mother.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

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