The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Princess Claire Be

Prince Laurent together with his family visits a homeless shelter

Earlier today Their Royal Highnesses Prince Laurent of Belgium together with his wife Princess Claire and their children Prince Nicolas, Prince Aymeric and Princess Louise visited a temporary homeless shelter put in place by the Prince Laurent Foundation.

With a vague of cold fallen up a good part of Europe, many homeless people will be leave in the streets without any help were brought to joy when the Princely family through their foundation brought some food and drinks with many necessities which they share in.

The Belgian Royal Courts: Prince Laurent, Princess Claire and the children and the Binche Carnival

Prince Laurent of Belgium alongside his family Princess Claire, Princess Louise and the twins Princes Aymeric and Nicolas at the famous Binche Carnival on Tuesday.

He would have liked to mingle with the crowd for the live show of the renowned carnival of Binche, a town south of Brussels in the province of Hainaut, with the other spectators, tells the newspaper "Le Soir" but due to royal protocol which requires royals to be on the balcony of the town hall that Prince Laurent and his wife Princess Claire, their daughter 12 year old Princess Louise, and their twin 10-year  princes Aymeric and Nicolas attended the procession and the final rondo, trying to learn a few dance steps and catch the oranges that were launched.

Arrived around 4 p.m all five were welcomed by the deputy mayor and the various key characters of the event. "Gilles, peasants, harlequins and clowns came dancing in the hall of the City Hall's council, each with their customs in their turn under the watchful eye of members of the royal family," explains the Belgian media before reporting about one of the organizers: "It was a very friendly royal visit. They really want to learn about the traditions binchoises, especially for children. Many questions that Mr. and Mrs. All-the-World could arise. "
Photo Credits: Paris Match

La Cour Royale Belge: La Famille du Prince Laurent au Carnival de Binche

Prince Laurent de Belgique aux côtés de sa famille Princesse Claire, la princesse Louise et les jumeaux Princes Aymeric et Nicolas ont célèbre le carnaval de Binche mardi.

Il aurait voulu se mêler à la foule pour le spectacle du carnaval célèbre de Binche, une ville au sud de Bruxelles, dans la province du Hainaut, avec les autres spectateurs, raconte le journal "Le Soir" mais en raison de protocole royal qui exige royals d'être sur le balcon de l'hôtel de ville que le prince Laurent et son épouse la princesse Claire, leur fille de 12 ans la princesse Louise, et leurs princes jumeaux de 10 ans Aymeric et Nicolas ont assisté à la procession et le rondeau final, essayer d'apprendre quelques-uns pas de danse et attraper les oranges qui ont été lancés.

Je suis arrivé vers 4 h, heure tous les cinq ont été accueillis par l'adjoint au maire et les différents personnages clés de l'événement. "Gilles, paysans, arlequins et clowns sont venus danser dans la salle du conseil de l'hôtel de ville, chacun avec leurs coutumes, à leur tour sous l'œil vigilant des membres de la famille royale», explique la presse belge avant de signaler à propos de l'un des organisateurs: «ce fut une visite royale très sympathique. Ils veulent vraiment en savoir plus sur les traditions binchoises, surtout pour les enfants. Beaucoup de questions que M. et Mme Tout-le-Monde pourrait se poser."
Photo Credits: Paris Match

The Belgian Royal Courts: Princess Claire and kids were at the Circus

On the eve of their last performance at the Brussels Atomium where the Circus settled since October 14th, the Bouglione circus has played the show this December 5 in favor of the Prince and Princess Alexandre of Belgium's Safety Fond. Prince Alexandre is half brother to Belgiums former kings the Late King Baudouin and Albert II -from the union of their father King Leopold III with his second wife Lillane Baels, this foundation helps individuals living in vulnerable and ill related condition.
Princess Leah who's name is in the foundation with her husband Prince Alexander was obviously present. But she was not the only member of the Belgian royal family to attend this special performance. Princess Claire was there too, but without her husband Prince Laurent, but in the company of their daughter Princess Louise, 11 and a half years, and their twins Prince Nicolas and Aymeric the princes who will celebrate their 10 years on 13 December. Invited on stage, the three children of the king's younger brother Philippe took part in a number clowns, under the tender eye of their mother.
Photo Credits: Paris Match




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