The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Prince Lorenz

Le Discours de Roi

Ce mardi matin, le roi Philippe était accompagné de son épouse et de sa famille pour recevoir les autorités belges à l'occasion de la nouvelle année.

Le dernier jour de janvier 2017, Leurs Majestés avaient encore une réception du Nouvel An à leur horaire. Cette fois, le couple royal a reçu à Bruxelles les autorités du pays.

Pour cette nomination sous les ors du Palais Royal, Mathilde de Belgique apparut dans une nouvelle robe droite à manches trois quarts. Très originale, celle-ci juxtapose des bandes de motifs floraux ou géométriques dans des nuances de noir et beige. L'athlète de 44 ans avait complété ce look bicolore avec des pompes et une poche beige. Présente également à cette cérémonie avec son mari, le prince Lorentz, la belle-sœur Astrid de Belgique avait opté pour une jupe crème et une veste de cette couleur doublée de rayures rouges et noires et agrémentée de grosses roses de Gucci. Tous accompagnés de talons en daim et un sac d'or.

Devant plusieurs centaines d'invités du monde politique, économique, universitaire et juridique de son royaume, Sa Majesté le Roi dans un événement annuel traditionnel dans son discours d'ouverture aux organes constitués, qui a porté sur le thème de la confiance, le souverain a exprimé Sa déception devant le choix du Royaume-Uni de quitter l'Union européenne et bien sûr l'élection de Donald Trump aux États-Unis. "Sans nommer les deux pays, fidèles alliés de la Belgique, il a fixé leur décision de" se recentrer sur eux-mêmes "," a déclaré la presse belge "Le Soir".

Les médias belges indiquent également qu'en cette année 2017 marquant le 60ème anniversaire du Traité de Rome, qui a posé les bases de l'intégration européenne, "le roi des Belges a rappelé son attachement à ce projet qui a fondé la réconciliation européenne après une" guerre fratricide "Prenons ce moment comme une opportunité pour l 'Europe. Continuons à construire une Europe qui permette à nos identités nationales de se renforcer en collaborant, plutôt que de s'affaiblir mutuellement en s'affrontant ", a-t-il conclu.
Photo Credit: Paris Match

The King's speech to Belgian's government

This Tuesday morning, King Philippe was accompanied by his wife and family to receive the Belgian authorities on the occasion of the New Year.

On the last day of January 2017, Their Majesties still had a New Year's reception at their schedule. This time, the royal couple received in Brussels the authorities of the country.

Read : Their Majesties from the Royal Palace at night center for homeless

For this appointment under the golds of the Royal Palace, Mathilde of Belgium appeared in a new straight dress with three-quarter sleeves. Very original, this one juxtaposed strips of floral or geometric patterns in shades of black and beige. The 44-year-old had completed this two-tone look with pumps and a beige pocket. Also present at this ceremony with her husband Prince Lorentz, was sister-in-law Princess Astrid of Belgium had opted for a cream skirt and a jacket of this color lined with a red and black stripes and embellished with big roses by Gucci. All accompanied by suede heels and a golden bag.

In front of several hundred guests from the political, economic, academic and legal world of his kingdom, His Majesty the King in a traditional annual event in his opening speech to the constituted bodies, which had focused on the theme of trust, the sovereign expressed his disappointment at the choice of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union and of course election of Donald Trump in the United States. "Without naming the two countries, faithful allies of Belgium, he pinned their decision to" refocus on themselves, "" said Belgian press "Le Soir" .

The Belgian media also indicates that in this year 2017 marking the 60th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, which laid the foundations for European integration, "the King of the Belgians recalled his attachment to this project which founded the European reconciliation after a" Fratricidal war ". "Let's seize this moment as an opportunity for Europe. Let us continue to build a Europe that allows our national identities to strengthen by collaborating, rather than weakening each other by confronting each other, "he concluded.
Photo Credit: Paris Match

The Belgian Royal Courts: State Banquet

In honor of German President Joachim Gauck and his partner Daniela Schadt 2 day state visit to the Kingdom of Belgium which began during the day where Her Majesty brought Mrs. Schadt to the Child Focus work meeting, a state banquet was hosted by King Phillipe and Queen Mathilde at the Laeken Palace in Brussels. Also in attendance was the King's siblings: brother Prince Laurentien(who attended without Princess Claire) and sister Princess Astrid ArchDuchess of Austria-Este and her husband Prince Lorenz ArchDuke of Austria-Este.
And as in every state banquets tiaras comes out in force. And for this paricular occasion the Belgian Jewelry&Tiaras Vaults open for both royal ladies, Queen Mathilde had her hair in a bun wearing the Laurel wreath Tiaras dressed in a filmy dress color flesh, the bodice lace, strewn with large flowers embroidered lace with golden son, beads and sequins. Whilst sister in laws, Princess Astrid had on her mother Art Deco Tiara wearing a buttercup dress coordinated a long pale gray coat, was crowned with a tiara. 




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