The Norwegian Royal Courts: Crown Princess last 48 hrs in her agenda - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Norwegian Royal Courts: Crown Princess last 48 hrs in her agenda


Crown Princess Mette-Marit attended the opening of the Girls And Technology' (Jenter og teknologi) conference this morning. She stressed the importance of inspiring women to choose technology subjects. Many of the participants today are faced with their choice of study, and Crown Princess wished them good luck with an important choice.

The conference took place at Akershus University College in Oslo and is aimed at girls in middle school and in high school. The college offers education in technology, science and design, and the conference is part of their efforts to recruit more young women into these occupations. She wore her skirt suit by Prada and Gianvito Rossi pumps
Photo Credits: Kongehuset.no

Yesterday, Princess Mette Marit attended the rehearsal of the play Richard III which will premiere on Saturday night at the Royal Theatre in Oslo.

On February 8, 2016, Crown Princess Mette-Marit presented the "Brosteinprisen" Award (Paving Stone Award). (This award is given by Oslo City Mission to people who have struggled with poverty and injustice in the city and helped outcast homeless people. Petter Nyquist who is a photographer and television series producer was awarded this year by Crown Princess to Petter Nyquist at Oslo City Mission Place Cafe.)

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