The Swedish Royal Courts: Prince Carl-Philips awards young Culinary talents - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Swedish Royal Courts: Prince Carl-Philips awards young Culinary talents


Rather pleasant rendezvous Prince Carl Philip of Sweden had honored on Thursday, without his wife. The son of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia took part in the jury of the Swedish gastronomic competition Chef of the year.
This February 11, Prince Carl Philip had not only passed the gold medal of the Culinary Academy of Sweden around Jimmi Eriksson's neck, head of Lilla Ego restaurant in Stockholm, dedicating the "Chef of the Year". Jury member of the Swedish gastronomic contest, brother of Victoria princesses -which is expecting her second child- and Madeleine also had the privilege to taste, to be able to note, refined dishes presented by the eight competitors vying. These leaders had five hours to cook two dishes, one with farmed Norwegian halibut and king crab, the second with a Swedish saddle of venison.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

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