The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Swedish Prince

The Prince Couple fight against online bullying

On Wednesday, February 1st, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia attended the launch of their podcast Raiders of likes. It is an occasion hosted by the couple's Prince Couple's foundation along with the hosts Isa Galvan and Linnea Holst.
In connection with the first episode was released there was a launch of the podcast Raiders of likes . a podcast which caters to parents and addressing various social platforms, talking parental nätjuridik, criticism and the constant pursuit of likes.

Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia(in a AHLVAR Hisako Blouse then spoke about how they themselves have been victims of näthat a swedish word for online threats. It is a legal term but not a general term and it can involve different crimes. It generally refers to abuse or bullying over internet.) and that the experience has been a driving force to help others.

The prince said among other things:

"I think most of us find it difficult to imagine life without the internet. There are so enormously positive! But as with everything, there are both bright and dark sides of the net. We ourselves have been exposed online. It has become a strong driving force to help others who are vulnerable. And that is precisely why we chose to work with this in our foundation. "

The presenters Isa Galvan and Linnea Holst highlighted how important it is to talk about social media because children and young people hanging there so much. That parents are needed, but that adults often find it difficult to understand how social media works, or how it works in practical terms because they are not online to the same extent.
Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se

Their Royal Highnesses then took part in the first recording of the podcast which will be published every Wednesday. During the podcast, Princess Sofia recalls her experience with online bullying "I can see a change, from before I met Carl-Philip, and our relationship became public, after. The first year there was an enormous hatred on the net against me as a person. It was like banging your head against a wall"  according to the newspaper Expressen. This lead at one point she decided therefore to  permanently close her Facebook account.

Prince Consort Daniel goes on paternity leave

While Prince Oscar of Sweden is about to blow his first candle, his dad Prince Consort Daniel has taken his parental leave.

We have to remember that he did the same for their eldest.

Swedish law allows men who wish to be granted parental leave to raise their children on the date that suits them. As Prince Oscar prepares to celebrate his first birthday, next March 2nd, the son-in-law of King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and Queen Silvia considered the moment to benefit from this leave in his royal activities, as much it will be possible.

"It is a choice that many parents make, and even the Crown Princessly couple. They think it is important to focus on the family when the children are small, "said Margareta Thorgren, Information Director of the Palace to tabloid" Expressen " . 

The Swedish Royal Courts: Official Photos of Prince Alexander *May 13th post

His first official portrait at the age of three days, showed him being asleep. If the five new pictures of the little prince Alexander of Sweden revealed that 13 May by the Royal House the baby always has his eyes closed, he takes revenge pose in front of the company photographer of his parents and Siri, the dog family.

Three of these images are in color. On two of them, Prince Carl Philip, in a gray suit, and the Princess Sofia, in white dress, are inside, wearing one then the other their children in their arms. The third, Sofia, is wearing a top from H&M and trousers from Tiger of Sweden, is on a garden bench, holding the couple dog, while Alexander slept peacefully on Carl Philip's lap.

Two other photographs, in black and white, complete the series. On one, we can see the infant in the arms of his mother who was in a new white dress from Lindex, the other in those of his father.

Prince Hubertus Alexander Erik Bertil of Sweden is the first child of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia. He was born Tuesday, April 19, 2016 at 18:25 at Danderyd Hospital, commune on the outskirts of Stockholm. At his birth, he weighed 3.595 kg and measured 49 cm.

Baby Carl Philip and Sofia is the fifth grandchild of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia of Sweden. These were already grandparents of two children Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel -the consort Princess Estelle, 4, and Prince Oscar, 2 months- and two children of Princess Madeleine and Christopher O ' Neill -The Princess Leonore, 2 years, and Prince Nicolas, 11 months.
Photo Credits:  Erika Gerdemark, The Royal Court, Sweden

The Swedish Royal Courts: Hello Hello to HRH Prince Alexander Erik Hubertus Bertil, Duke of Södermanland

It's a dad with stars who address the press on April 19th at 21: 30 pm in the lobby of the Danderyd Hospital, situated on the outskirts of Stockholm. Prince Carl Philip came clarify the birth of his first child, which was announced by the Royal House at 19 h 44 with a signed statement from the Grand Marshal of the Court. It just showed that the new mom Princess Sofia had given birth at 18 h 25 to "a healthy and prosperous child" and that the mother and child were doing well. But everyone still knew the sex of the newborn.

Full of emotion, the son of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia, revealed that the welcome a little boy. Mimicking the size of their newborn Prince said he weighed 3.595 kg and 49 cm.

"For me and my wife, it's the greatest thing that ever happened, the feelings can not be put into words, love is the only thing I think now we are a family," said Carl Philip, according to comments reported by the Swedish tabloid "Expressen" which described the young father as being in tears. "It's a gift to be a parent. I am full of admiration for my wife and all the women who have the strength to carry and give life, "he added.

The middle brother of Crown Princess Victoria and Princess Madeleine stressed that neither he nor Sofia knew the sex of the child before birth. "We chose not to know. We wanted it to be a surprise, "he told Carl Philip. As to whether the infant was more like his mother or his father, he replied: "I think it will be a very good mix of both of us." The young dad soon 37, who himself cut the umbilical cord, revealed that he and Sofia had cried when they saw their son. "It was inevitable," he admitted.

"Expressen" states that the Court will hold a Council cabinet meeting at the Royal Palace on Thursday with a happy grand dad King Carl XVI Gustaf  communicating the name of his new grandson name and title. A Te Deum in honor of the new Royal Baby will be celebrated on Friday at noon. This allows time to Queen Silvia returned from New York where she learned the birth of her fifth grandchild, as she gave a speech to the General Assembly of the United Nations.

The King and Queen of Sweden are already grandparents of two children of Crown Princess Victoria and Prince Daniel Princess Estelle, 4, and Prince Oscar, 1 month and half and two children Princess Madeleine and Christopher O'Neill -the Princess Leonore, 2 years, and Prince Nicolas, 10 months.
Photo Credit: Kungahuset

The little one first name was revealed two day after the birth, Thursday April 21st, by his grandfather King Carl XVI Gustaf at a special Concil meeting at the Royal Palace in Stockholm broadcast live on public radio SR: "On the call Alexander. " His full name Prince Alexander Erik Hubertus Bertil, the child will also take the title of Duke of Sodermanland, sometimes referred to under its Latin form Sudermannia or Sudermania, is a historical province or landskap on the south eastern coast of Sweden. It borders Östergötland, Närke, Västmanland and Uppland. It is also bounded by lake Mälaren and the Baltic Sea. In Swedish, the province name is frequently shortened to Sörmland.
Södermanland means "Southern man land". It was used as a directional reference to lake Mälaren, compared to Uppland (north) and Västmanland (west)
Photo Credits: Wikipedia

The Royal Palace released at the same time, a first picture taken at the maternity ward at Danderyd Hospital in Stockholm: it shows Princess Sofia, and Prince Carl Philip holding the basket in which find the little boy. We do not distinguish the face of the newborn, who has already returned home with his parents.

The boy is fifth in line of succession to the throne of the Kingdom of Sweden - after his aunt Crown Princess, elder cousin Estelle, cousin Prince Oscar, and dad Prince Carl-Philip. The little prince will not pass before his cousin and aunt under the 1980 law on succession that allowed to keep Victoria, as eldest daughter, as heir instead.

The first pregnancy Sofia was announced on social networks, on October 15th 2015. The Princess, which works more with her husband and her foundations, continued to assume her royal responsibilities until last March. Princess Sofia paid her last outing on April 14th for the Prince Couple foundations

The year 2015 was full of happy events for King Carl XVI Gustaf and his wife Queen Silvia: the marriage of their son Prince Carl Philip with Sofia Hellqvist, 13 June 2015; and the birth of the second child of their daughter Princess Madeleine, Prince Nicolas, two days later, on June 15 The year 2016 should be as well: after the birth of the boy of their eldest daughter Victoria on Wednesday, the King and Queen will soon become grandparents for the fifth time, with the birth of the first child of Carl Philip and Sofia, who arrived in April.

 Always connected, Princess Madeleine was the first to broadcast a message on her Facebook page, from New York where she was with mom Queen Silvia attending important events at the United Nations and Childhood USA, she has reported seen the young one through facetime: "We are so happy for Sofia and Carl Philip and for our new family member! Leonore and Nicolas are thrilled to have a third cousin and we can't wait to see him!! "
Messages of congratulations from the family to Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia.
Message of congratulations from The King and Queen to The Prince Couple
“We are extremely happy for Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia, and are delighted to have become grandparents again. We hope the new parents enjoy a time of peace and quiet together with their son.”

Message of congratulations from The Crown Princess Couple
“We hope Carl Philip and Sofia enjoy these wonderful first few days with their new-born son, and we share the new parents’ joy.”

Princess Madeleine and Mr Christopher O'Neill
“We are delighted to welcome a new member of the family, and we congratulate Carl Philip and Sofia on becoming parents.”

Message of congratulations from Marie and Erik Hellqvist
“We are so pleased that Prince Carl Philip and our daughter Sofia have had their first child. We have longed for a grandchild for a long time, and we are both extremely proud and happy. We wish them great happiness together with the new member of the family, and we will provide help and support as grandparents.”

Lina Hellqvist and Sara Hellqvist, Princess Sofia's sisters
“We welcome this tiny new member of the family with great joy and love. We have been looking forward to becoming aunts, and we will enjoy getting to know our nephew. We wish the new family the very best of luck!”
On the occasion of his birth, a cabinet meeting was held at the Royal Palace on April 21st with his grandfather King Cal XVI Gustaf as head who stated that the name given to the Prince is Alexander Erik Hubertus Bertil,  and informed the cabinet that the Prince has been appointed as the Duke of Sodermanland. A proud aunt and new mother Crown Princess Victoria attended the Cabinet meeting. During the meeting His Majesty was heard to have said that he is the last family member to have met the prince as he has a cold and joke about meeting him from a distance. The Last Duke of Sodermanland was the little Prince Alexander's great great grand uncle Prince Wilhelm of Sweden and Norway.

Here are all the Dukes of Södermanland all time!

Magnus 1266-1275

Erik 1302-1318

Karl 1560-1611

Gustav Adolf 1604-1607

Charles Philip 1607-1618

Karl 1772-1809

Oskar 1810-1844

Karl Oscar 1852-1854

Wilhelm 1884-1965

Alexander 2016-

Earlier in the day was a witness acknowledgment, at Drottningholm Palace, which traditionally takes place at a royal birth. Speaker Urban Ahlin, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, Marshal of the Realm Svante Lindqvist, statsfru Anna Hamilton, Chief Sophia Brismar Wendel and midwife Anna Ståhl were witnesses Photo: Kungahuset.se

Meaning of Name 
Alexander: Alexander has royal ancestry in Europe - the name means "ruler of the world" and has already been the more czars in Russia led to the name.

In the Serbian royal family, it is a common name - Crown Prince Alexander is perhaps not entirely unfamiliar? Additionally named crown prince's son, Prince Alexander of Serbia. Both of Queen Margrethe's  grandsons both eldest and young, Prince Nikolai of Denmark, and Prince Vincent Frederik Minik Alexander have Alexander in their names. We also have a King Willem Alexander  in the Netherlands.

Erik: The name Erik is also a further back in the Bernadotte Family. Just like him, the Second Duke of Sodermanland was a heir to the throne of Sweden. He was the father of King Magnus who became king of both Norway and Sweden.. The name also pays tribute to his maternal grand father Erik Hellqvist

  Hubertus: The name also pays tribute to his grand father King Carl XVI Gustaf
Bertil: Tribute to his dad Prince Carl Philip and  Prince Bertil, Duke of Halland (paternal great great-uncle), 

The Swedish Royal Courts: Prince Oscar Christening day announcements

 Prince Oscar will be christened in May, namely on May 27 announced The Swedish Royal palace Kungahuset. This is ths chapel where where many members of the family including elder sister Princess Estelle was christened in 2012; cousin Princess Leonor was christened in 2014 and 10 months cousin Prince Nicolas was christened back in 2015. The prince will be christened just days before he is shy of being three months. Thus he will be almost exactly as old as the older sister was when she was baptized. The prince renamed the end of May is of course no coincidence: first, he is the right age and also want the royal family to repeat the success with Estelle beautiful family photos.

After baptism the reception and lunch at the Royal Palace. During the ceremony the young prince's monogram will be release and he will be bestowed upon the Order of the Seraphim, which means he gets to wear this baby sash. This Baptism will attract both foreign and Swedish royalty. Oscar baptism will however be less than Estelle. Many friends of the Crown Princess Couple will of course be on hand, as well as his maternal and paternal family. As the Princess Estelle baptized in 2012 announced her five godparents: King Willem-Alexander, Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mary, Prince Carl Philip and Daniel's sister, Anna Westling Soderstrom. When the little prince Oscar baptized, on May 27th, he will also get several god paremts. It is rumor that the Crown Princess Couple(his parents) will chose five god parents from both friend and family circle. Our hottest tips are Princess Madeleine, Princess Sofia, Caroline Nilsson, Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway and Crown Prince Frederik of Denmark.

The Swedish Royal Courts: The Prince Couple meets with UN ambassadors

On Thursday March 10, Their Royal Highness Prince Carl-Philip and Princess Sofia received in audience UN ambassadors at the Royal Palace. The ambassadors are in Sweden to discuss the follow-up to the climate meeting in Paris and the implementation of COP21 Agenda by 2030.

The prince opened the meeting with a welcoming speech and thanked the ambassadors for their commitment and work contributed to the agreement reached in Paris. The prince also spoke about the important work that follows and the Royal Family are particularly pleased that the objectives highlights the urgent issue of children's rights.
The Outfit Princess Sofia is wearing is one we have already seen on another pregnant Swedish Princess. Yeah Crown Princess Victoria had worn this Seraphine Ltd outfit on separate occasion. The Cropped Peplum Jacket was worn on the Crown Princess and her husband Prince Consort trip to Columbia in October 2015  and the 'Sophia' Pleated Dress which the Crown Princess last wore on one of her last engagement before going on maternity. She paired her with a STELLA McCARTNEY Clutch Bag, YVES SAINT LAURENT black suede Pumps
Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se

The Swedish Royal Courts: Welcome to H.R.H Prince Oscar Carl Olof Duke of Skåne

We had already seen had a month ago, stirring in the womb, at the last public appearance of Victoria outside of Haga Palace. This time, he is definitely there. Crown Princess Victoria, 38, gave birth this Wednesday, March 2 with her second child - a boy. It was Prince Consort Daniel, her husband and proud father, who himself announced the happy news at a press conference at the Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm, where Victoria gave birth to the little boy, named Oscar.
"Victoria and child  are going very well," said Daniel during his press conference, during which the prince said the little boy was born Wednesday, March 2 at 8:28 p.m., and weighed 3.7 kg to 55 centimeters. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and her husband Prince Daniel were already parents of a daughter, Princess Estelle, which just celebrated its fourth anniversary on 23 February.
"We asked the respect of our privacy there four years, and I think you did it so I wanted to say a big thank you for that." Victoria's husband said, before confiding: "I still have not even had time to realize what it is like to be a father of two. But so far, that's great!"
Photo Credit: Kungahuset

The little one first name was revealed after the birth, Thursday, March 3, by his grandfather King Carl XVI Gustaf at a special board at the Royal Palace in Stockholm broadcast live on public radio SR: "On the call Oscar. " His full name Prince Carl Olof Oscar of Sweden, the child will also take the title of Duke of Skåne, named for the southern region of Sweden. Skaneland or Skanelandene is a region in the south of Scandinavian peninsula. This region includes Swedish provinces like Blekinge, Halland and Scania and Danish island Bornholm.
Photo Credits: Wikipedia

The Royal Palace released at the same time, a first picture taken on the maternity ward at Karolinska Hospital in Stockholm: it shows Princess Victoria of Sweden, accompanied by the little Estelle, and Prince Daniel holding the basket in which find the little boy. We do not distinguish the face of the newborn, who has already returned home with his parents and sister.

The boy is third in line of succession to the throne of the Kingdom of Sweden - after his mother Crown Princess and her elder sister Estelle. The little prince will not pass before her sister under the 1980 law on succession that allowed his mother to keep Victoria, as eldest daughter, as heir instead.

The second pregnancy Victoria of Sweden was announced on social networks, on 4 September 2015. The Crown Princess, which works more with herfather the king, continued to assume her royal responsibilities until last February. Crown Princess Victoria paid his last outing on February 10 to deliver the "Global Change Award" at a ceremony in the Stockholm City Hall, during which a camera of "Expressen" has managed to capture the baby's movements in the womb.

The year 2015 was full of happy events for King Carl XVI Gustaf and his wife Queen Silvia: the marriage of their son Prince Carl Philip with Sofia Hellqvist, 13 June 2015; and the birth of the second child of their daughter Princess Madeleine, Prince Nicolas, two days later, on June 15 The year 2016 should be as well: after the birth of the boy of their eldest daughter Victoria on Wednesday, the King and Queen will soon become grandparents for the fifth time, with the birth of the first child of Carl Philip and Sofia, expected in April.

 Always connected, Princess Madeleine was the first to broadcast a message on her Facebook page, from the Karolinska same: "Congratulations to my sister Victoria and Daniel for the birth of their son was born today 8:28 p.m., here in Stockholm! "

Meanwhile, The family sent their wishes to the Crown Princess and Princess Estelle.
King and Queen's congratulations to Crown Princess - Crown Princess We share the great happiness and Princess Estelle pleasure to welcome her little brother to the family. We wish the family a wonderful time in peace and quiet and we very much look forward to seeing our grandchildren.
 Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia's wishes - with great warmth and love we wish Victoria and Daniel's son, welcome to the family. We look forward with joy to the cousin crowd is growing and that they continue to have each other. We look forward to seeing the new family member!
 Princess Madeleine and Mr. Christopher O'Neill - We are so happy for Victoria, Daniel, and Estelle's sake and for our new family member! Both Leonore and Nicolas look forward to meeting their new cousin, and we wish him a warm welcome to the family.
 Olle and Ewa Westling's wishes - we feel great joy today when the Crown Princess, and our son gave birth to their second child and Estelle's long awaited sibling. We wish them the best of luck to the new family member and we will support and help, as grandparents.
 Anna Westling Söderström, Prince Daniel's sister, the family wishes - It is with great pleasure that we welcome in the family another baby. It is so good to Estelle had a sibling and Crown Princess, and my brother is now parents of two. It will be fantastic to follow Estelle and her little brother's sibling relationship. My daughters are thrilled that they've got a cousin.

On the occasion of his birth, a cabinet meeting was held at the Royal Palace on March 3 with his grandfather King Cal XVI Gustaf as head who stated that the name given to the Prince is Oscar Carl Olof and informed the cabinet that the Prince has been appointed as the Duke of Scania(Skåne). A proud uncle and soon to be father Prince Carl-Philip attended the Cabinet meeting. During the meeting His Majesty was heard to have said that he is the last family member to have met the prince as he has a cold and joke about meeting him from a distance. The Last Duke of Skåne was the little Prince Oscar's great great grand father King Gustaf Adolf

When a royal birth happens, a Witness Decleration meeting is held simultaneously at the Royal Palace according to the customs. At the meeting held because of the birth of Prince Carl Olof Oscar, the witnesses were Speaker Urban Ahlin, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, Marshal of the Realm Svante Lindqvist, and Mistress of the Robes Kirstine von Blixen-Finecke, obstetricians Lennart Nordstrom and midwife Cecilia Lind were witnesses. Photo: Kungahuset.se

Later in the afternoon, The Royal Chapel  in Stockholm held a Te Deum service in honor of the birth newborn Prince Oscar Carl Olof, Duke of Skane.  Dad and elder sister Crown Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle, together with grandparents King Carl XVI Gustaf, Queen Silvia as well as Olle and Ewa Westling were present. Aunts and Uncles Princess Madeleine, Christopher O'Neill, Anna Westling Söderström, Prince Carl Philip and a very pregnant Princess Sofia were in attendance. Other family members present were Folke Bernadotte, Princess Christina Mrs. Magnuson,(The Te Deum is an early Christian hymn of praise. (Latin: God, We Praise You), Latin hymn to God the Father and Christ the Son, traditionally sung on occasions of public rejoicing.)

Meaning of Name
Oscar: The name Oscar is also further back in the Bernadotte family ranks. Oscar I, who ruled between 1844 and 1859, as well as Oscar II, who was king of Sweden between the years 1872 and in 1907. But there's actually already an Oscar in the Bernadotte family history. It is Oscar Bernadotte(who was present at the Te Deum service), 94, who is the little brother to the family's grand old lady Dagmar von Arbin. Dagmar and Oscis is the child of Prince Carl. Another relative named Oscar is Oscar Magnuson, son of Princess Christina and Tord Magnuson.

Carl: The name Carl just as Oscar is also a further back in the Bernadotte Family. Just like him, the first Duke of Scania was a Prince Carl (who later became King Karl XV of Sweden and Norway). The name also pays tribute to his grand father King Carl XVI Gustaf and uncle Prince Carl-Philip

Olof: From my guess is taken from his father Crown Prince Daniel who first name is Olof. But just like his previous names Olof has ties in the Bernadotte family ranks




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