The Swedish royal court: Price Carl and Princess Sofia are expecting - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Swedish royal court: Price Carl and Princess Sofia are expecting


I had my suspicion that the prince royal couple was expecting a baby during their visit to Dalarna just a week ago and now it has been confirmed. 
Yay for the House of Bernadotte for this double pregnancy first with the Announcement that Crown Princess Victoria is expecting her second child.  Congrats to them
New picture released by the Swedish Court of Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia as the couple have announced that they are expecting their first child in April of 2016.
No changes in the schedule of The Prince Couple’s public engagements are planned during the fall of 2015.
The Prince has expressed his joy at the announcement saying, “We are so happy and excited to announce that we are now expecting our first child. We are very excited.” 
—  Swedish Royal Court
We will all conclude that 2016 will be a great year for Sweden
photo credits: Kungahusuet.se

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