The Spanish Royal Court: The Royal Couple on the tracks while visiting Colombres - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Spanish Royal Court: The Royal Couple on the tracks while visiting Colombres


The festivities of the Princess of Asturias Awards have closed this Saturday in the "copy Town 2015", causing the Queen Letizia and King Felipe VI of Spain to travel to the City of Colombres north of the country on the trail of the Indianos.
The King and Queen of Spain has unveiled the plaque Award of the City of Asturias copy 2015. The jury selection took them this year to Colombres, capital of the municipality of Ribadedeva, at the eastern end of Asturias. This place was chosen because its "civil society, organized from a plural associative fabric, has managed to preserve and enrich the heritage of Asturian emigrants maintain its heritage and claim what happened that made ​​emigration a dynamic element culture, economy and society. " This town has the distinction of actually seeing some of its inhabitants from the poor in South America in the late nineteenth century, and then come back, and made ​​a fortune with the nickname of "Indianos" .
Photo credits: Casa del Rey

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