The British Royal Family: Queen Elizabeth resumes her engagements - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The British Royal Family: Queen Elizabeth resumes her engagements


Queen Elizabeth II visited a hospital in Hillington, near her Norfolk residence of Sandringham, where she currently resides on February 4th. The opportunity of being given two teddy bears for the youngest members of the royal family Prince George and Princess Charlotte, her great grand children.
They are copies with their brown fur and white shirt. Both have a label around the neck, written in blue, the other pink. Apart from the beginning - "For George" and "To Charlotte" - their text is identical. It read: "Please take care of this bear as Nelsons Journey has done for me. From Jack. " Jack is the boy who gave these teddy bears to Queen Elizabeth II, visiting this February 4 the Norfolk Hospice, all dressed in turquoise.  A gift that 9 year old boy, who had the pain of seeing his mother die of a brain tumor at the age of 29 in 2013, presented to the Sovereign in the name of Nelson's Journey charity . The latter was created in 1997 to support children and young people throughout the bereaved Norfolk.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

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