The British Royal Courts: Once a good host always the better equestrian - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The British Royal Courts: Once a good host always the better equestrian


In her rider outfit while at Windsor, her scarf on the head, or in a suit with perfect styling, Queen Elizabeth II continues to 89 and a half years, juggling private and public life, with the same dynamism.

From time to time, photographers immortalize Queen Elizabeth II on horseback. This was the case on Monday, while the sovereign was walking with one of her stable girl along the Thames River in Windsor in a misty landscape magnified by autumn colors. No matter the age, the queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 15 territories and head of state of the CommonWealth, continues to practice riding. It has been a cultivating passion since childhood, when Her Majesty then known as princess Elizabeth or Lilibeth as she was nickname straddled her first mount at only 3 years. Dress in white pants, beige raincoat and silk scarf tied in her shawl over her head-she never wears bombe- on her black horse this 2 November.

She had totally changed the look on Wednesday, November 4. She was found in all its majesty, in cream suit and impeccable split creases at Buckingham Palace alongside her husband Prince Philip and Prince Andrew, one of their son. She received there for lunch the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, on an official visit to the United Kingdom accompanied by his daughter, Dariga Nazarbayev, who is none other than the Deputy Prime Minister.
The Duke of Edinburgh is certainly no exception at 94 years, he was also on Wednesday, with an orange vest, safety glasses and helmet, 30 meters underground in one of the new Crossrail tunnels crossing from east to west London.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

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