The Spanish Royal attened the Festivities of the three - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Spanish Royal attened the Festivities of the three


In Spain and in most Spanish speaking countries, it is not Santa who brings the gifts to the children. This mission is given to three Magi Melchior, Gaspar and Balthazar. In other words, the festival of Epiphany, which occupies a very important place on the Spanish calendar, is much awaited one by children. And the little princesses Their Royal Highness Crown Princess Leonor Princess of Asturias and Infanta Sofia did not escape the rule. No wonder then that the two daughters of King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia appeared smiling in their parents' car on Friday, January 6th 2017.

The Spanish royal couple was photographed as they went in the afternoon with his adorable blond dolls to the home of Grandpa Jesús Ortiz, the father of Letizia, in the outskirts of Madrid. The sovereign was seen driving with his wife seated in the passenger seat, and the infants, aged 11 and 9 and a half, were in the back seat. All four are accustomed to pass this Day of the Kings with the family of the queen of Spain.

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