The Norwegian Royal Courts: Crown Prince Haakon in Paris - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Norwegian Royal Courts: Crown Prince Haakon in Paris


Today  UNESCO 38th General Congress opened the and for the next 14 days 195 member states will agree on policies and priorities for the coming two years. Crown Prince Haakon stood on the podium and delivered the opening speech in Paris today.

You can read his speech here
Here is a a sample from his speech when speaking on the relevance of the work the UNESCO and its mandate according to Kongehuset.no: "UNESCO's role and Mandate is as IMPORTANT today as it was 70 years ago". He continued by saying "Education, science, culture, communication and information are all essential in a world where people are Increasingly interconnected and dependent on each other."

On Education HRH emphasis on the consequence of Education in Human rights and the efforts of placing education during the times of wars by saying "Hardest hit are the many victims of war, natural disasters and epidemic. Increased efforts are needed two preventBubble military attacks on schools and universities. More support is Necessary two the ensure quality education in emergencies and protracted crises.
Education is a fundamental human right; it is Also essential for gret inclusive, equitable and sustainable developmentQuality Education Provider peoplewith the skills, knowledge and values ​​They need two tackle the various challenges They are thunderstorms to face in society.

He also place the importance of of ensuring schools under a separate arrangement devoted protection of education in times of conflict. Only in Syria, there have been more than 4,000 attacks on schools in the past four years. With Norway being among the driving forces for putting in place a declaration on safe schools, and it was presented at a conference in Norway earlier this year. So far, 50 countries endorsed the statement, which also includes practical guidelines for reducing the effects of armed conflict on schools and universities, pupils and students.
- Nowhere is the need-to-string then education more urgent than in Situations of armed conflict. Norway remains committed to working towards safe schools for all, and we look forward two Continued Co-operation with UNESCO and many of our partners presented here today

After that, HRH was at one of France's biggest grocery retailers, Le bon Marche at had sample on the fresh Norwegian meals

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