The Royal Court- Tbt 13:23:00 We the released of the inside scenes of the 1981 Royal Wedding why not share with you the scenes we all loved and watched Share This Story Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Pin this Post Pin this Post Tags: Britain, Clarence House, Palais de Kensington, Prince Charles, Prince de Galles, Princess de Galles, Princess Diana ← Previous Story Next Story → Zef Dahlia You Might Also Like La Cour Royale Anglaise: Le Prince ...#Queenat90. La vielle et les momome...La Cour Royale Anglais: Le gala ava...Prince Harry le premier Patron royl...La campagne de collecte de fonds po...The British Royal Courts: A dreamy ...La Cour Royale Anglaise: Le Prince ...#Queenat90. La vielle et les momome...La Cour Royale Anglais: Le gala ava...Prince Harry le premier Patron royl...La campagne de collecte de fonds po...The British Royal Courts: A dreamy ... 0 comments