The Royal Court of Norway- Her Majesty Queen Sonja opens secondary school - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Royal Court of Norway- Her Majesty Queen Sonja opens secondary school


Photo Credit: Kongehuset.no
Her Majesty Queen Sonja just got back from the family holidays and today was open the Edvard Munch Secondary School.

The school is house in the former premises of the Government Arts and Craft School. During the opening HM Majesty reminded the students of their luck having the school.

Edvard Munch high school houses 870 students, who can combine subjects from different program areas and choose a specialization within the sciences, languages ​​or arts. Through education Studiespesialisering laid the foundation for further studies at university or college. The school offers academic specialization, both in sciences, languages, economics and social sciences, as well as music, dance and design disciplines architecture and design and fine arts.

Edvard Munch also offers a brand new race with specialization in creative crafts, like fashion / costume / textile, furniture / wood or jewelry / metal.

The school has systematic cooperation with various parties to ensure updated and relevant expertise. Among the partners are of Architecture and Design, Barrat Due Academy in Oslo, Munch Museum, Academy, Snøhetta, Ultima Festival and the festival.

Photo Credit: Kongehuset.no

Photo Credit: Kongehuset.no

Photo Credit: Kongehuset.no

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