The Royal Court of Sweden- His Majesty King Gustaf at the National Water Conference - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Royal Court of Sweden- His Majesty King Gustaf at the National Water Conference


On Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19, His Majesty King Gustaf was in Umea to participate in the National Water Conference live salmons rivers

On Tuesday, HM the king gave an opening speach and According to Kungahuset he said"One of the issues that really close to my heart to be discussed during the next three days, namely how we should restore and manage our water in Sweden. [...] We must see the big picture in order to guarantee the long-term functioning of ecosystems in our waters. Watercourses are after all the province's veins. Fresh water ecosystems helps with everything from drinking water, fishing and recreation, but also vital habitats for different species. "

Read his speech in Swedish here

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