The Royal Courts of Netherlands- Princess Catharina-Amalia first day of high-school and a request of privacy from King Willem-Alexandra
This morning the Oranje House(Dutch Royal Family) must have been in such an excited mood for Princes Catharina-Amalia first day of high school.
Earlier in March, the Het-Koninkjik Huis announced that HRH will be attending the Christian Gymnasium Sorghvliet in The Haag.
Like most proud fathers do or will do for their kids first day of school, HM King Willem-Alexandra wouldn't have missed the opportunity of taking a video and photo of the Princess of Oraanje riding her bike.
Earlier in March, the Het-Koninkjik Huis announced that HRH will be attending the Christian Gymnasium Sorghvliet in The Haag.
Like most proud fathers do or will do for their kids first day of school, HM King Willem-Alexandra wouldn't have missed the opportunity of taking a video and photo of the Princess of Oraanje riding her bike.

Along the video