The Royal Court of Denmark- Crown Princess Mary advocates against violent relationship - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Royal Court of Denmark- Crown Princess Mary advocates against violent relationship


For the last two day Crown Princess Mary has been very busy.

Yesterday Crown Princess Mary together with her foundation Mary Forden attended the event 'Kaerlig Talt' - 'Loving action' with the Mary Foundation at Guldberg School, Nørrebro Copenhagen.
The ambition is to develop young people's abilities to handle difficult emotions, so they better can maintain secure relationships to each other, and then at a later stage in life, is not subjected to dating violence or other forms of violent relationships.

According the Billedbladet the main aim of the events was: - The ambition of "Loving measure" is that students are so good at saying in a proper way, it will be a safeguard against dating violence. By starting already in ear- ly adolescence we catch the students at a time when most people have experienced difficult emotions, but many have not yet had a boyfriend. We give them a loving push towards creating a solid foundation for developing healthy relationships with lovers and friends throughout life, says Helle Østergaard, director of the Mary Foundation.

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