The Royal Courts of Jordan- His Majesty King Abdullah accompanies his wife Her Majesty Queen Rania celebrate and honor top students in the country - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Royal Courts of Jordan- His Majesty King Abdullah accompanies his wife Her Majesty Queen Rania celebrate and honor top students in the country


Photo Credits: Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook

Today, Their Majesty King Abdullah and Queen Rania, celebrated and honor top-achieving students who succeed in their General Secondary Education Certificate (Tawjihi). HM the King acknowledges the great efforts they all put in their studies with them coming from various academic and vocational backgrounds which led to their success. The King also that them that their passing is a step to building a greater Jordan.

The King also spoke with the parents who attended the events commenting them for building a creative, supportive environment which aided them grow and succeed

Her Majesty express her happiness as the students represented each governorates in the Kingdom. Highlighyinh the importance of family support.

Gifts were given during the ceremony.

Photo Credits: Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook

Photo Credits: Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook

Photo Credits: Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook

Photo Credits: Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook

Photo Credits: Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook

Photo Credits: Royal Hashemite Courts/Facebook

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