The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: School

The Royal Courts of Spain: Back to School for the Princess Leonore of Asturias and Infanta Sofia

Today Friday September 11th 2015, Spanish King Felipe and Queen Letizia accompanied their daughters, Princess Leonore and Infanta for their first day of schools, seems like this new school year brought about many royal parents to dropping their kids at school. We have seen King Wilhiem-Alexandre filming Princess Catharina-Amalia on her first day, then King Philip and Queen Mathilde of Belgium dropping of their kids for their first day to secondary school

The Royal Court of Denmark: Crown Princess Mary congratulations students of the Crown Princess Scholarship 2015

Crown Princess Mary met up Danish recipient of the Crown Princess Scholarship 2015 at Fredrik VIII palace in Copenhagen, Denmark on September 2015. Crown Princess Mary Scholarship (For Study In Denmark)

The University of Copenhagen has partnerships with a number of Australian universities, including the University of Tasmania.

Photographer: Christian Meyer, the Royal Family ©/Kongehuset

Photographer: Christian Meyer, the Royal Family ©/Kongehuset

Photographer: Christian Meyer, the Royal Family ©/Kongehuset

Photographer: Christian Meyer, the Royal Family ©/Kongehuset

The Royal Court of Belgium: King Philipe accompanies his children for their first day back to school

Photo Credite: Getty Image/BENOIT DOPPAGNE
 For Crown Princess Elisabeth 13, Princess Eleonore 7 and Prince Gabriel 11 first day of school at the Roman Catholic Secondary School  Sint-Jan-Berchmans college in Brussels, King Phillipe took the time to bring them to why Queen Mathilde took Prince Emmanuel 9 to his school Eureka School in Kessel-Lo, Leuven. Eureka School educates children with learning disabilities

Lets all look at those happy faces. Happy New Academic Year
Photo Credite: Getty Image/BENOIT DOPPAGNE

Photo Credite: Getty Image/BENOIT DOPPAGNE

Photo Credite: Getty Image/BENOIT DOPPAGNE

The Royal Courts of Netherlands- Princess Catharina-Amalia first day of high-school and a request of privacy from King Willem-Alexandra

This morning the Oranje House(Dutch Royal Family) must have been in such an excited mood for Princes Catharina-Amalia first day of high school.

Earlier in March, the Het-Koninkjik Huis announced that HRH will be attending the Christian Gymnasium Sorghvliet in The Haag.

Like most proud fathers do or will do for their kids first day of school, HM King Willem-Alexandra wouldn't have missed the opportunity of taking a video and photo of the Princess of Oraanje riding her bike.

Along the video HM the King requested for privacy as written on the Oraanje House's Official Facebook“Like her peers, the Princess has a right to an undisturbed youth. As the future life of the Princess will largely be devoted to public duties, it is important to respect her privacy,” reads the message.

The Royal Court of Norway- Her Majesty Queen Sonja opens secondary school

Photo Credit: Kongehuset.no
Her Majesty Queen Sonja just got back from the family holidays and today was open the Edvard Munch Secondary School.

The school is house in the former premises of the Government Arts and Craft School. During the opening HM Majesty reminded the students of their luck having the school.

Edvard Munch high school houses 870 students, who can combine subjects from different program areas and choose a specialization within the sciences, languages ​​or arts. Through education Studiespesialisering laid the foundation for further studies at university or college. The school offers academic specialization, both in sciences, languages, economics and social sciences, as well as music, dance and design disciplines architecture and design and fine arts.

Edvard Munch also offers a brand new race with specialization in creative crafts, like fashion / costume / textile, furniture / wood or jewelry / metal.

The school has systematic cooperation with various parties to ensure updated and relevant expertise. Among the partners are of Architecture and Design, Barrat Due Academy in Oslo, Munch Museum, Academy, Snøhetta, Ultima Festival and the festival.

Photo Credit: Kongehuset.no

Photo Credit: Kongehuset.no

Photo Credit: Kongehuset.no

The Royal Court of Denmark: Back to school for Prince Henrik of Denmark's first day

© Hanne Juul/Billed Bladet

Do you remember your first day back to school or how excited you were about your first time in a new class (Yup the days when you got to show off your new bag or school items) that was the excitement that could be seen on the young Prince Henrik's face. Well check out his red backpack

The 6 year old young prince son to Prince Joachim (brother of Crown Prince Fredrik) and Princess Marie and sixth in line to the throne, traded in kindergarten boots for the a higher level of academics.

For this occasion the young Prince, his parents and younger sister Princess Athena greeted the press infront of their home in Klambenbourg in Northern Copenhagen.

© Hanne Juul/Billed Bladet

© Hanne Juul/Billed Bladet

The Royal Court of Jordan this week:Queen Rania of Jordania, Queen of Education during the heat wave

With 2015/2016 academic year about to start, Jordanian teachers had a an earlier start with a  training workshop on the preservation of environmental Education organised by Queen Rania Teaching Academy (QRTA)at the Khawla Bint Al Azwar Secondary School for Girls in Amman.

With a heatwave which swept the Middle East last Tuesday, Queen Rania dropped by as a special guest to give her encouragements and support as they took a break from the Summer break and the heat wave. She took the opportunity to sit down and have discussion on the usefulness of short-term courses in developing their teaching skills and techniques.

Her Majesty wrote on her instagram whilst looking regal and stylish in a white trouser(can we talk about pulling off an all white outfit in style)"

So proud of these teachers and educators who are taking time out of their summer break to brush up on their teaching skills and techniques! "

© Royal Hashemite Court of Jordan

فخورة جداً بالمعلمين والمعلمات والتربويين الذين يقتطعون الوقت من إجازاتهم الصيفية لحضور الدورات وورش العمل التي تطور مهاراتهم في التدريس
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