The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Prince Charles

The British Royal Courts: A dreamy evening gala for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

In November 2015, around 25 000 tickets of the four festive evenings organized on the royal domain of Windsor Castle after six months -from May 12th to 15th 2016- to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II had ran out in just three hours after its availability. I must say that the program was attractive: parades of some 900 horses and 1,500 artists, including dancers, musicians and actors from around the world. And it was expected that for the last performance that counted 6,000 spectators and was broadcast on British television on Sunday May 15th evening, the sovereign attended , in a white outfit completely covered with turquoise lace by her seamstress Angela Kelly, but she was not alone, far from it! All the Windsor clan was at her side.

Prince Harry, who has just returned from the United States where had just taken place the 2nd edition of the Invictus Games, joined his brother Prince William and sister in law Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge, sported in wore a new ensemble consisting of a red Zara jacket which features a swing silhouette and features a Peter Pan collar, two oversized buttons, besom pockets and a back pleat - and white Dolce & Gabbana lace dress, accessorized with the Queen's diamond chandelier earrings, which she has now loaned on a few occasions, and wore most recently at the Chinese Diplomatic Reception, her Prada black satin clutch with stone embellishment. As their grandfather Prince Philip, the two brothers were wearing black jackets, with collar red part. Prince Charles was accompanied by his wife Camilla the Duchess of Cornwall, white; Prince Andrew, Duke of York attended accompanied by his daughters Princess Beatrice and Eugenie of York. Princess Anne appeared on horseback, like her daughter Zara Phillips-Tindall, her little brother Prince Edward and his daughter Lady Louise one aged 12. All four participated in a parade featuring horses belonging to Elizabeth. Also in the stands were The Kents, The Gloucesters,

Passionate equestrian since childhood, the Queen arrived with the Duke of Edinburgh her husband in the coach's Diamond Jubilee, could only dream most beautiful sight. Seated to the left was her honour guest the King of Bahrain, Elizabeth II saw her live footage on the big screen for two hours, while succeeded numbers with horses, came to some of Oman, Chile, Canada and Azerbaijan, and the participation of artists. Among them, Kylie Minogue, James Blunt, Andrea Bocelli, Katherine Jenkins, Shirley Bassey, Helen Mirren or Damian Lewis.

Photo Credits: Paris Match

La Cour Royale Anglaise: Le Prince Charles dans la peau de Hamlet

Le prince Charles a surpris le public samedi dernier en étant sur scène pour jouer Hamlet aux côtés des acteurs britanniques les plus en vue, lors d'un spectacle dans la ville natale de Shakespeare, où des milliers de fans ont célébré le 400e anniversaire de la mort du dramaturge. Le spectacle, joué au Royal Shakespeare Theatre à Stratford-upon-Avon dans le centre de l'Angleterre, et de célébrer les scènes les plus célèbres du dramaturge, était le point culminant d'une journée marquée par le théâtre de rue, des danses, des concerts et des feux d'artifice.

L'héritier du trône, qui a assisté à "Shakespeare live!" dans la chambre, enjambé la scène lors d'une étape consacrée à la façon de réciter le fameux monologue "Etre ou ne pas être" ( "Etre ou ne pas être" en anglais), l'ouverture d'monologue d'Hamlet. "Puis-je dire quelque chose?" demanda Charles, 57 ans, avant de se lancer, avec des acteurs - Judi Dench, Helen Mirren, Ian McKellen, Benedict Cumberbatch et Joseph Fiennes - tandis que la performance a été diffusée en direct à la télévision britannique et dans plusieurs salles de cinéma européennes.

«Je savais qu'il allait partir, mais je voulais être sûr que ce serait bien fait et amusant», a déclaré Gregory Doran, directeur artistique de la Royal Shakespeare Company. Le 23 Avril, le jour de Saint George, fête nationale en Angleterre, le prince Charles a également déposé une gerbe sur la tombe du dramaturge dans l'Eglise de la Sainte Trinité. "Il vous rappelle certainement votre propre mortalité," il a lancé à cet égard. Pendant la journée, devant plus de 10.000 spectateurs, un défilé théâtral passé à travers cette petite ville plantée dans la campagne anglaise, et se termine près de l'église de la Sainte Trinité, où l'auteur de la tombe se trouve.

Il est également le son d'un orchestre de jazz de la Nouvelle-Orléans que la ville a commencé son week-end de célébration en hommage à la célèbre barde. "Il comprit triomphe l'humanité, les peines, les intentions profondes, des émotions, il avait ramassé," at-il déclaré à l'AFP Monica Evans, qui a joué samedi Anne Hathaway, la femme de Shakespeare, dans les rues de la ville. Les plus célèbres auteurs britanniques sont morts il y a 23 Avril, 1616 à l'âge de 52 ans, laissant derrière lui quarante pièces de théâtre, "Roméo et Juliette" à "Macbeth" à travers "Hamlet" dans les entrées le patrimoine culturel mondial.

A Londres, le président américain Barack Obama a été en mesure de profiter de certains passages de "Hamlet" et visite de Shakespeare Globe, théâtre circulaire reconstruit ouvert en 1996 après avoir été brûlé en 1613 alors joué l'un des derniers jeux de William Shakespeare. «Je ne voulais pas que ça cesse", a déclaré Obama, ravi à la fin de ces quelques passages de "Hamlet" joués par les acteurs de la société Shakespeare dans ce théâtre situé sur la rive sud de la Tamise.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

The British Royal Curts: Prince Charles the Shakespeare artisit

Prince Charles surprised the public last Saturday by being on stage to play Hamlet alongside British actors most prominent, during a performance in Shakespeare's birthplace, where thousands of fans celebrated the 400th anniversary of the death of playwright. The show, played at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre in Stratford-upon-Avon in central England, and celebrating the most famous scenes of the playwright, was the culmination of a day marked by street theater , dances, concerts and fireworks.

The heir to the throne, who attended "Shakespeare live!" in the room, stepped over the stage during a stage devoted to how to recite the famous monologue "To be or not to be" ( "To be or not to be" in English), opening monologue of Hamlet. "Can I say something?" asked Charles, 57, before embarking, with actors - Judi Dench, Helen Mirren, Ian McKellen, Benedict Cumberbatch and Joseph Fiennes - while the performance was broadcast live on British television and in several European cinemas.

"I knew he would be leaving but I wanted to be sure it would be well done and fun," said Gregory Doran, artistic director of the Royal Shakespeare Company. On April 23, the day of Saint George, national holiday in England, Prince Charles also laid a wreath on the tomb of the playwright in the Church of the Holy Trinity. "It reminds you certainly your own mortality," he has launched in this regard. During the day, in front of over 10,000 spectators, a theatrical parade passed through this small town planted in the English countryside, and ended near the Church of the Holy Trinity, where the author of the tomb is located.

It's also the sound of a jazz band from New Orleans that the city began its celebration weekend in tribute to the famous bard. "He understood humanity triumphs, sorrows, deep intentions, emotions, he had picked up," he told AFP Monica Evans, who played Saturday Anne Hathaway, Shakespeare's wife, in the streets from the city. The most famous British authors died there April 23, 1616 at the age of 52, leaving behind forty plays, "Romeo and Juliet" to "Macbeth" through "Hamlet" in entries the world cultural heritage.

In London, US President Barack Obama was able to enjoy some passages of "Hamlet" and visit Shakespeare's Globe, circular theater open rebuilt in 1996 after being burned in 1613 while played one of the last plays of William Shakespeare . "I did not want it to stop," Obama said, delighted at the end of these few passages from "Hamlet" played by the cast of the Shakespeare Company in this theater located on the south bank of the Thames.

Photo Credits: Paris Match




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