The British Royal Courts: Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall Camilla received her first honorary doctorate - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The British Royal Courts: Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall Camilla received her first honorary doctorate


Last Thursday February 11th, H.R.H Duchess of Cornwall Camilla received her first honorary doctorate. Presented by the University of Southampton, it rewards the work of the wife of Prince Charles of osteoporosis.

If Camilla is involved with helping people suffering from osteoporosis, their carers and research in this area, it is not by chance. She herself knows very well this disease characterized by skeletal fragility -in due to a decrease in bone mass and impaired microarchitecture osseuse- and which is likely to cause a risk of fracture more higher in affected patients. "There is a very personal link I saw my own mother and my grandmother suffer the appalling consequences of osteoporosis, which in the end led to their death," said the daughter of Queen Elizabeth II, according to comments reported by the "Daily Mail", adding: "When my mother died in 1994, I knew almost nothing about osteoporosis but I was determined to find out more - and to find a way to help other people avoid the same excruciating pain and contempt she met in its bad old days. "

And the Duchess of Cornwall held her promise. For 15 years, she worked to promote the understanding of this disease which is commonly called "brittle bone", prevention and public awareness, as president of the National Osteoporosis Society. Hence the Honorary Doctorate in Science was awarded this February 11 to Camilla by the University of Southampton, "The excellence of the clinical service and research program here at the University of Southampton would not have been possible without the encouragement and support she has given, "did not hesitate to declare Professor Cyrus Cooper, Director of the MRC Epidemiology unit Lifecourse (Epidemiology and life course) at the faculty of medicine of the University.

Dressed in a long gown and scarlet sky blue on his cashmere dress, the beautiful Duchess gave an acceptance speech in which she particularly welcomed the medical faculty of the university for its joint work with the university hospital (university hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust) on musculoskeletal diseases. Then she went to visit the laboratory "Bio Hybrid Devices Lab" of the university.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

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