The Belgian Royal Courts: Their Majesties, Princesses Lea and Maria Esmeralda commemorate deceased members of the family - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Belgian Royal Courts: Their Majesties, Princesses Lea and Maria Esmeralda commemorate deceased members of the family


After spending a week  from February 8 to 12, The royal family of Belgium were eager to join the ski resort of Verbier in Valais canton in Switzerland which is now an annual tradition. Staying with friends as emphasized by the Belgian site information "sudinfo.be" Mathilde and Philippe are delivered from that February 8 to traditional snow photo shoot with the press with their offspring, skis to feet and helmets on their heads. 

Today, His Majesty King Philippe accompanied by his wife Her Majesty Queen Mathilde, his two aunts Princess Maria Esmeralda(she is half sister to the King’s father King Albert) and Princess Lea(Widow to the King’s uncle Prince Alexander-also half sibling to King Albert) attended a special mass to commemorate the deceased members of the Belgian Royal Family at the Church of Our Lady in Laeken, Brussels, Belgium. Also present were  Princess Margaretha of Luxembourg and her husband Prince Nikolaus of Liechtenstein

Laeken holds a very special place to the royal family especially to Princess Lea as this is were her late husband Prince Alexander was born

After the service the Sovereign couple met with the public outside the church.

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