The British Royal Courts: The British Royals and Remembrance Day #lestweforget - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The British Royal Courts: The British Royals and Remembrance Day #lestweforget


Activities for Remembrance Day in the UK have begun, first on Sunday November 1, Her Majesty's two grandson were again mobilized. While Prince William, Duke of Cambridge attended, and led a remembrance ceremony with submarine veterans in his capacity as Commodore in Chief, Prince Harry  hosted at Buckingham Palace the wounded soldiers who were finishing the "Walk of Britain", one of more than two months trek on 1000 miles (1600 km) across Great Britain intended to raise awareness of the delicate situation of the return to civilian life of wounded soldiers. On 30 September the thirty year had put on his sneakers to walk alongside these five wounded fighters -a woman and four men-in Shropshire in England.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

On Thursday November 5th, while Princes Philip and Harry, took part in a military memorial ceremony at Westminster Abbey, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was in Gloucestershire for a visit also placed under the sign of the army. Poppies, military symbols fallen for their country, have flourished since the British buttonholes few days ahead of Remembrance Day. And commemorations succeed.

Princes Philip and Harry both in uniform, each placed a small cross on a large memorial cross of poppies laid on the ground, before the two wooden crosses on the tomb of the Unknown Soldiers.
The Souverign also Commandant in Chief of the Arm Forces had it also a meeting in connection with the army on Thursday. Wearing a fuchsia coat over a dress in that color combination of red, and wearing a hat of the same rose decorated with two red feathers, visited Innsworth, on the outskirts of Gloucester. She met the staff of the Rapid Reaction Corps Allied Command Nato (ARCC) based there, as well as the Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre, in charge of procedures for injured and killed in the United Kingdom or the abroad. In his program also visited the MoD Medal Board that serious and issues awards to staff of the armed services, veterans and their relatives. The opportunity for the queen of 89 years who always rides to try medal laser engraving.

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