The Swedish Royal Courts: Prince Daniel at IVA's academic convocation - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Swedish Royal Courts: Prince Daniel at IVA's academic convocation


Wednesday February 9th Crown Prince Daniel attended the Royal Engineering Sciences (IVA) awards ceremony. At the gathering Prince Daniel received IVA's badge of honor on the occasion of his honorary munity. This was followed by a seminar on entrepreneurship.
During the afternoon's academy negotiations  in Stockholm  Grev Turegatan awarded the honorary badge to Prince Daniel.

Kungl. Engineering Sciences, has appointed Prince Daniel an honorary member of the Academy as "Prince Daniel have a genuine and broad engagement in entrepreneurial issues. The prince is the initiator and, since 2013, actively involved in the IVA project Prince Daniel's Fellowship and Entrepreneurship Program that works to promote entrepreneurship among young people. "
Photo Credits: Kungahuset

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