The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Crown Prince Daniel style

The Swedish Royal Courts: Prince Daniel inaugurated the children's book exhibition

Monday, April 11th Prince Daniel inaugurated the children's book exhibition "Frech, wild & wunderbar - schwedische Kinderbuchwelten" at the Swedish embassies in Berlin, Germany.
The exhibition was aiming to inspire children and adults to discover the world of books. The exhibition allows visitors the opportunity to form an interactive part, visiting various children's worlds away from modern Swedish children's literature. In another part of the exhibition is the Swedish library concept "Room for Children" where children and adults can learn together.

In his speech, Prince said, "We are fortunate to have so many talented children's authors and illustrators in Sweden. I am happy to see many of you here today. Thanks to you, we have parents received keys to new worlds, to call and to Community. By your words, colors and shapes brought large and small issues. "
Photo Credit: Swedish Embassy Berlin

The Swedish Royal Courts: Crown Prince Daniel skis with Fourth Graders

Monday, February 22nd Crown Prince Daniel attended the Swedish Ski Association and the Swedish ski Council project All the snow at Gärdet in Stockholm.
During the morning Gärdet got fourth graders from Snösätraskolan, Hökarängsskolan and Rågsveds school try in various ways to glide on snow, for example, by cross-country skiing, in a play area on sloping terrain and training on an oval track.
Photo Credits: Kungahuset

The Swedish Royal Courts The Crown Princess Family at a Hockey match

 Another royal family to have attended a sporting event this weekend were the Swedish Crown Princess Family. Crown Princess Victoria, Crown Prince Daniel and Princess Estelle watch the Euro Hockey Tour game between Sweden and Finland at the Hovet Arena in Stockholm, Sweden on February 13, 2016.
This may be the last family outing before the arrival of the new Crown Princess baby.

The Swedish Royal Courts: Prince Daniel at IVA's academic convocation

Wednesday February 9th Crown Prince Daniel attended the Royal Engineering Sciences (IVA) awards ceremony. At the gathering Prince Daniel received IVA's badge of honor on the occasion of his honorary munity. This was followed by a seminar on entrepreneurship.
During the afternoon's academy negotiations  in Stockholm  Grev Turegatan awarded the honorary badge to Prince Daniel.

Kungl. Engineering Sciences, has appointed Prince Daniel an honorary member of the Academy as "Prince Daniel have a genuine and broad engagement in entrepreneurial issues. The prince is the initiator and, since 2013, actively involved in the IVA project Prince Daniel's Fellowship and Entrepreneurship Program that works to promote entrepreneurship among young people. "
Photo Credits: Kungahuset

The Swedish Royal Courts: Crown Prince Daniel presented the Nordic medicine prize

Wednesday January 27th, Crown Prince Daniel attended the Nordic Council of the medicine prize giving ceremony.
Nordic medicine prize, which is awarded by the Foundation for the Nordic medicine prize up in cooperation with Folksam, is one of the largest medicine prices and is awarded annually to one or more researchers as a reward for an outstanding scientific achievement.
Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se

The Royal Courts of Sweden: Crown Prince Daniel at the School of Computing

Wednesday, January 20th, Crown Prince Daniel visited KTH School of Computing to take part of the latest research in information technology.
During the visit, the Crown Prince was introduced to robotics for industrial applications by Prof. Danica Kragic. Professor Patric Jensfelt talked about the robotics for elderly and Associate Professor Mårten Björkman spoke about computer vision systems in robotics.
Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se

The Swedish Royal Courts: A 24 hr in Crown Prince Daniel agenda

On Monday January 11th, Crown Prince Daniel received Fryshusets CEO John Oljeqvist at the Royal Palace, in Stockholm. During the meeting, the Crown Prince was updated on the work, Fryshusets with youth and their integration issues.

Fryshuset aimed to work with the youth and create communities where young people can be seen, heard and counted. Fryshuset we engaged some 50 different activities within the areas; Youth, Exemplar and optimism, schools and work and entrepreneurship.
Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se

Later during the day H.R.H visited an Innovation House Epicenter in Central Stockholm. The Epicenter is a youth hub for young entrepreneurs as an innovative meeting place where young growing companies meet the development team from established companies. It is a mentorship center. Epicenter is part of AMF Fastigheter's effort to create environments and locations that rejuvenates Stockholm. Here, members are offered flexible office solutions, temporary project environments, innovation labs and training.

The Swedish Royal Courts: A Nobel Peace Price committee meeting and A diplomatic awards

His Majesty King Carl Gustaf, H.R.H Crown Princess Victoria, H.R.H Crown Prince Daniel and Princess Sofia of Sweden attended a meeting about the 2015 Nobel Prize ceremony with the Nobel Foundation at the Royal Palace in Stockholm on November 27, 2015

Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se

Then Later, His Majesty and the Crown Princess attended at the Royal Palace a meeting with of Advisory Council the Foreign Relations committee to present Honorary distinction to Swedish diplomatic representatives.

Crown Princess Victoria OOTD
Nobel Price meeting:
SERAPHINE Woven Crepe Maternity Dress

Diplomatic Awards:
SERAPHINE Sophia Navy Pleated Dress 

The Swedish Royal Courts: Another love story in the Duchy of VÄRMLAND

A very pregnant Crown Princess Victoria and the love of her life Crown Prince Daniel pregnant with her second child, was on Wednesday visiting Duchy of Värmland for a program on the theme of migration and integration.
And it is with a very attentive Crown Prince Daniel who took her hand and held her by the shoulder or waist during their visit.
 The young woman of 38 years it showed her baby bump in a blue dress with graphic pattern, black and white of the French brand Séraphine Cécile Reinaud, worn under a baby blue coat. An outfit she had given to black boots with heels and stockings of the same color. Victoria and Daniel began the day at Värmlands Museum in Karlstad where they attended a show before discovering a contemporary art exhibition on migration, previously disclosed in Baltimore in the United States. They then went to the University of Karlstad. There they met with students in psychology and listened to a group conversation on the topic "What can we do to improve the mental health of children?"
 Then the couple have won the Central Hospital of the city to meet with the participants of a project in relation to asylum seekers or foreigners, before visiting an accommodation for un accompanied children.

This day region in Värmland in western Sweden which Prince Carl Philip, Victoria's brother, is the Duke and his wife Princess Sofia the Duchess since their marriage-followed other visits the theme of migration and integration carried out by the Crown Princess of Sweden since the beginning of the year in Kalmar, Östersund, Malmö and Gotland, and in Brussels in Belgium.
Photo Credits: Paris Match

The Swedish Royal Courts: The Crown Princess Couple in Columbia Day 3

Crown Princess Victoria and Crown Prince Daniel attended an informal meeting with representatives of Colombian women's organizations at the NGO 'Ruta Pacífico de las mujeres' headquarter on October 23, 2015 in Bogota.

Then the Crown Princess Couple visited the Gold Museum, the Museo del Oro and got a guided tour. The museum is located in Bogota's historic center and contains approximately 55,000 objects from the people who lived in Colombia before the Spaniards arrived in the country. The collection is the largest in the world of its kind with objects made of gold, ceramic, stone and textiles from different cultures.

The Stylish Royal Courts: Swedish Crown Princess Couple in Columbia

Dress ASOS

The Stylish Royal Court: Crown Princess Couple in Lima Day 1&2

transparent black coat completely covered with black embroidery where some rhinestones
Seraphine, Escarpins ACNE,  Pochette HUNKY DORY

Asos Maternity




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