The Swedish Royal Courts: A 24 hr in Crown Prince Daniel agenda - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Swedish Royal Courts: A 24 hr in Crown Prince Daniel agenda


On Monday January 11th, Crown Prince Daniel received Fryshusets CEO John Oljeqvist at the Royal Palace, in Stockholm. During the meeting, the Crown Prince was updated on the work, Fryshusets with youth and their integration issues.

Fryshuset aimed to work with the youth and create communities where young people can be seen, heard and counted. Fryshuset we engaged some 50 different activities within the areas; Youth, Exemplar and optimism, schools and work and entrepreneurship.
Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se

Later during the day H.R.H visited an Innovation House Epicenter in Central Stockholm. The Epicenter is a youth hub for young entrepreneurs as an innovative meeting place where young growing companies meet the development team from established companies. It is a mentorship center. Epicenter is part of AMF Fastigheter's effort to create environments and locations that rejuvenates Stockholm. Here, members are offered flexible office solutions, temporary project environments, innovation labs and training.

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