The Danish Royal Courts: The Crown Prince Couple at the Danmarks Indsamling 2016 - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Danish Royal Courts: The Crown Prince Couple at the Danmarks Indsamling 2016


Denmark's Crown Prince couple, Crown Prince Frederick and Crown Princess Mary(who celebrated her 44th birthday the previous day) attended Denmark’s biggest televised fundraising event, Danmarks Indsamling (National Collection) on February 6, 2016 at the Tivoli Concert Hall in Copenhagen, Denmark.The Crown couple donation amounted to 250,000 Kr, while the Sovereign couple Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik donated 500,000Kr.  By midnight the fundraiser raised gave 97870606000000kr, beating not record from last year at just over 100 million.
Danmarks Indsamling(It is an annual fundraising event in January or February that is jointly performed by humanitarian aid organizations in Denmark. Participants of the fundraising campaign are Børnefonden , Røde Kors , Folkekirkens Nødhjælp , Læger uden Grænser, Red Barnet, SOS-Børnebyerne and UNICEF. The targets of Danmarks Indsamling 2016 are to alleviate the poverty, prevent baby deaths, help and give medical care to refugees of civil war and prevent insufficiency of schools in reaching drinking water.)
It is reported that Crown Prince Frederick took part and answer calls
The Crown Princess wore  HEARTMADE Lace Shirt, CARLEND COPENHAGEN Vanessa Clutch and GIANVITO ROSSI Metal Mesh Cap Toe Pumps.

Photo Credits: Kongehuset.dk

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