The Norwegian Royal Courts: Queen Sonja visits Longyearbyen - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Norwegian Royal Courts: Queen Sonja visits Longyearbyen


Her Majesty the Queen was in Svalbard. The Queen and the minister of Justice and Public Safety Anders Anundsen arrived Longyearbyen early this morning. Their first meeting was with the Governor and the emergency services, representatives of local government in Longyearbyen, fire and rescue, the hospital and the local Red Cross explained exceeded, devastation and rescue operation.

Queen Sonja was impressed by the great solidarity amongst residents of Longyearbyen showed in such a difficult situation. Seeing the chaos exceeded created with my own eyes made an impression on the Queen.

- There is also a painful time one goes to meet, said the Queen. But with this unity and the great will to get through this we have seen with them we have met, I think this is going very well, and that solidarity will be even stronger.
Photo Credits: Kongehuset.no

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