The Jordanian Royal Courts: Queen Rania at 10 Downing Street - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Jordanian Royal Courts: Queen Rania at 10 Downing Street


This Friday, Queen Rania was in London. Very elegantly dress as usual, the Jordanian Queen had an appointment at 10 Downing Street to discuss the crisis of Syrian refugees with British Prime Minister David Cameron.

Her Majesty did not wait long for the beginning of a new resume for her fight to the Syrian refugees' crisis. This January 8, she began a working tour program that will lead to the meeting of senior officials from several European countries. And it was in London that Rania began her meetings. Dress in a bright fuchsia dress under a long cut away Jacket in Black from British designer Christopher Kane adorned with reminders of that color, holding a two-tone bag in hand and her long hair falling loose over her shoulders, was welcomed by British Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street. The "Daily Mail" reported that the Queen of Jordan told David Cameron during the interview: "I would like to thank the British people for their generosity and support and compassion during(the crisis of Syrian refugees, ed ), which could be one of the worst humanitarian crises we face in our time. "

However, she urged, and other leaders to "take" bolder steps "to address the crisis that saw the displaced Syrians fled to neighboring countries including Jordan. A conference will be held next month in London to fund Syrian refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, the British media added that the Queen Rania and David Cameron spoke of the need to obtain the results of these discussions.
Photo Credit: Paris Match

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