The Royal Court of Spain: Queen Letizia meets with Royal Board on Disability - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Royal Court of Spain: Queen Letizia meets with Royal Board on Disability


Her Majesty the Queen is the honorary president of this organization, whose primary mission is to promote the prevention of impairments, rehabilitation and social integration of people with disabilities.
Her Majesty the Queen as Honorary President of the Royal Board on Disability, chaired the Council of the Royal Board on Disability, an agency attached to the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality autonomous body whose mission is to promote the prevention of deficiencies, rehabilitation and social integration of people with disabilities; facilitate, in these areas, the exchange and collaboration between the various public authorities, and between them and the private sector, both nationally and internationally; providing support for agencies, organizations, specialists and promoters for any studies, research and development, information, documentation and training, and technical opinions and recommendations on matters related to disability.
Photo Credits: Casa Del Rey

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