The Swedish Royal Court: Queen Silvia Present World Children's Prince - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Swedish Royal Court: Queen Silvia Present World Children's Prince


Wednesday October 14, The Queen awarded the World's Children's Prize for the Rights of the Child to Phymean Noun from Cambodia. The ceremony took place at Gripsholm Castle.

World's Children's Prize (WCP) is a unique educational program for children that promotes child rights and a charitable world. Since its inception in 2000, 38 million children, over half a million of them in Sweden, participated in the program and learned about the rights of the child, democracy and global friendship.

Her Majesty, The Queen, alongside, the Burmese opposition politician and Nobel peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi and South African church leader and Nobel peace laureate Desmond Tutu patrons of the World's Children's Prize.

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