The Royal Court of Norway: A Honorary Queen Sonja celebrated by the Norwegian Heritage Awards - The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales

The Royal Court of Norway: A Honorary Queen Sonja celebrated by the Norwegian Heritage Awards


On September 9th, Her Majesty Queen Sonja was honored by the Norwegian Heritage Awards for her works and dedication to the cultural heritage, cultural and nature over many years. The awards ceremony took place in the garden at VÅGÅ old rectory Woolly Pigs in Gudbrandsdalen.

In the board's citation states:

Foundation Norwegian Heritage will in particular denominator commitment Storfjorden Friends and book "Soundboard", with great image and promotion of natural, cultural and heritage. HM The Queen has also shown creativity through exhibitions of Norwegian art.

Foundation Norwegian Heritage Foundation wishes also to emphasize HM Dronninga its involvement in the samvetsfulle efforts to restore the Royal Palace in Oslo and others of the royal physician EIGEDOM.

According to Kongehuset.no "Queen Sonja received a warm welcome when she arrived Woolly Pigs. Fifth graders Anna Brenden and Rune Bråten of Vågåmo school handed flowers to the Queen.Chairman Kirsti Kolle Grøndahl awarded the prize, which consists of a glass dish and a diploma."

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