The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: celebrations

The Spainish Royal Court: Spain National Day

Their Majesties, who were accompanied by their daughters, Their Royal Highnesses Princess of Asturias, Princess Leonore and the Infanta Sofía, presided over the ceremony in homage to the National Flag and the military parade held in the Plaza de Canovas del Castillo.
Photo Credits: Casa del Rey,

Later, Their Majesties offered at the Royal Palace of Madrid the traditional Memorial Day reception the National Day.

The Royal Courts of Morrocco: A huge Double Congratulations to PRINCESS LALLA SOUKAÏNA

Princess Lalla Soukaïana, daughter of Princess Lalla Meryem, elder sister to King Mohammed VI of Morocco, gave birth this Sunday, September 27 in Paris to twins.

As is customary, the sex and name of infants, the first children of the Princess, will be unveiled on the occasion of their Muslim baptism, set seven days after their arrival in the world. It will therefore take place this Sunday, October 4th. It will be held in the French capital Paris in the presence of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the uncle of the young mother.

 According to the British tabloid "Hello!", The king of Morocco has already seen the baby after the birth of his niece, who made a return trip to Paris earlier this week.

La Cour Royale du Maroc: Un double felicitations pour la Princesse Lala Soukaiana

Princesse Lalla Soukaïana, fille de la princesse Lalla Meryem, sœur aînée du Roi Mohammed VI du Maroc, a donné naissance ce dimanche 27 Septembre à Paris à des jumeaux.

Comme à l'accoutumée, le sexe et le nom des nourrissons, les premiers enfants de la princesse, seront dévoilés à l'occasion de leur baptême musulman, mis sept jours après leur arrivée dans le monde. Il aura donc lieu cette 4e dimanche, Octobre. Elle se tiendra dans la capitale française Paris, en présence de Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI, l'oncle de la jeune mère.

  Selon le tabloïd britannique "Hello!", Le roi du Maroc a déjà vu le bébé après la naissance de sa nièce, qui a fait un voyage de retour à Paris plus tôt cette semaine.

The Royal Court of Norway: A Honorary Queen Sonja celebrated by the Norwegian Heritage Awards

On September 9th, Her Majesty Queen Sonja was honored by the Norwegian Heritage Awards for her works and dedication to the cultural heritage, cultural and nature over many years. The awards ceremony took place in the garden at VÅGÅ old rectory Woolly Pigs in Gudbrandsdalen.

In the board's citation states:

Foundation Norwegian Heritage will in particular denominator commitment Storfjorden Friends and book "Soundboard", with great image and promotion of natural, cultural and heritage. HM The Queen has also shown creativity through exhibitions of Norwegian art.

Foundation Norwegian Heritage Foundation wishes also to emphasize HM Dronninga its involvement in the samvetsfulle efforts to restore the Royal Palace in Oslo and others of the royal physician EIGEDOM.

According to Kongehuset.no "Queen Sonja received a warm welcome when she arrived Woolly Pigs. Fifth graders Anna Brenden and Rune Bråten of Vågåmo school handed flowers to the Queen.Chairman Kirsti Kolle Grøndahl awarded the prize, which consists of a glass dish and a diploma."

The Royal Courts of the United Kingdom and Its 15 Realms: Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II celebrates longest reign in Balmoral by opening Scottish Border Railways

Whom who have taught that when Her Majesty then still Princess said this words she didn't actually know that 63 years and 216 days later she would become the United Kingdom and Its 15 Realms longest serving Sovereign dedicating her life to public service. Her Majesty has met 11 serving American Presidents, 11 British United Kingdom and many more during her serving life.

Well on this well deserving day Her Majesty had requested all 15 realms and The United Kingdom to continue "Business as usual" which means no celebrations and lead the days' affair. And She too did the same.

Earlier Today British Time, Her Majesty and Prince Philip traveled by steam train to inaugurate the Scottish Border Railways

According to the Royal.co.uk Her Majesty said during her speech "First Minister, Ladies and Gentlemen,

The Duke of Edinburgh and I are delighted to be back in the Borders today and, especially, to have arrived … by train! It has been wonderful to witness the excitement which the return of the railway has brought here. The Borders Railway brings so much promise for sharing and invigorating this most beautiful countryside as a place to work, live and enjoy."

She continued by thanking every one "Prince Philip and I are very grateful for the warmth of your welcome on this occasion. Many including you, First Minister, have also kindly noted another significance attaching to today, although it is not one to which I have ever aspired. Inevitably, a long life can pass by many milestones; my own is no exception. But I thank you all, and the many others at home and overseas, for your touching messages of great kindness."




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