The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Canada

MR's British & Canadian Courts: When Her Majesty speaks in French

While being in the warmth and comfort of her duvet at Sandringham castle in Norfolk where she is recovering from a "big cold", Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was no less present on social networks. After her annual traditional Christmas message, Buckingham Palace broadcast this New Years Day on their official Facebook page and the official Twitter account, a video of greetings for the new year. In this short film of nearly two minutes, the Sovereign addresses her message exclusively to Canadians on the occasion of the starting of the 150th anniversary celebrations of the Canadian Confederation which will be celebrated althrough out 2017. If the monarch begins and finishes her speech in English, A few sentences were said in a perfect French accented with a slight accent. And I most say I detect a very good French Canadian accent

No doubt this message was recorded on the same day as that of the Christmas message when Queen Elizabeth II paid tribute to the "ordinary heroes." In the same setting at the Regency Room in Buckingham Palace decorated with a Christmas tree and white and red bouquets - the 90 year old Monarch wore the same turquoise blue dress.

Her Majesty appeared with the same white pearl necklace. However, she changed her brooch to that of the Maple Leaf Crystal. A delicate gesture towards Canadians as the Maple Leaf is their national leaf and emblem

This jewel, which was recently seen on the Duchess of Cambridge, was adorned three times during The Cambridges visit to Canada last fall with her husband Prince William and their two children,  is dated back to 1939 a gift given by King George VI  to his wife the queen consort Elizabeth as a prelude to their journey to Canada, the first of a British sovereign to his Canada subjects 

The British Royal Courts: When a private discussion is made public

Recorded by an indiscreet camera, Queen Elizabeth II has committed a rare odd mistake calling Chinese officials "very rude"  for their behavior during their last October visit of President Xi Jinping in the UK. This odd-which coincides with another diplomatic gaffe committed by Prime Minister David Cameron which occurred on Tuesday during a meeting between the sovereign and head of London police, Lucy D'Orsi, who described the difficulties encountered during the passage of Xi Jinping. When told that the Queen Lucy D'Orsi oversaw security this event, during the traditional garden party in the gardens of Buckingham Palace, she answers shot back: "Oh, no luck!".

Continuing her description of events, police reports how Chinese officials left a meeting with Barbara Woodward, Ambassador of United Kingdom to China, saying that their visit was over. "They were very rude with the ambassador," then said the Queen. An output somewhat unusual from a head of state about the other countries, particularly from the British monarch, held to a strict duty of reserve. "It was a bit stressful sometimes on both sides," admitted the British Foreign Affairs Philip Hammond, stressing in a statement to British media, that this type of state visit entailed "significant logistical challenges ".

A spokesman for the royal palace for his part refused to comment on "private conversations with the queen." He nevertheless insisted that the visit of Xi Jinping had been "a great success", all parties "worked closely together to ensure that everything goes well." The spokesman of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Lu Kang, also stressed that "the state visit of President Xi Jinping, last year was a great success." However, when about Queen were reported by BBC World, the transmission was interrupted in China, reported the British public channel.

La Cours Royale Anglais et Canada: Au Canada puis au match de Polo

Il faisait face à l'un des ténors du polo. Pendant le match, il a joué à Wellington à Palm Beach County en Floride ce mercredi 4 mai le prince Harry fait face notamment Ignacio "Nacho" Figueras. Cet argentin âgé de 39 ans, parfois surnommé le «Beckham de polo," est parmi les 100 meilleurs joueurs de cette discipline dans le monde. Un tel adversaire n'a pas peur du grand-fils de la reine Elizabeth II. Ce qui a remporté le match avec son équipe.

Ce match a été joué dans une bonne cause. Ce fut en effet la Coupe du polo Sentebale, un tournoi annuel qui humanitaire fils cadet du prince Charles et la princesse Diana créé en 2010 pour amasser des fonds pour sa fondation éponyme. Cela aide les enfants vulnérables au Lesotho, en particulier ceux qui sont séropositifs et / ou dont les parents sont morts du SIDA. Après la réunion, le prince Harry a annoncé que la fondation a également Sentebale maintenant serait de soutenir les enfants au Botswana.

Deux jours plus tôt, le lundi 2 mai, le frère cadet du prince William était au Canada. Avec le Premier ministre Justin Trudeau, il a lancé le médiatiquement Invictus Games 2017 à Toronto, la ville qui accueillera la troisième édition de la compétition qui est à l'origine. Ces types Jeux olympiques, a joué dans dix disciplines en lice mis anciens militaires hommes et femmes de différents pays qui ont été blessés dans le cadre de leur engagement à servir leur pays. La première édition a eu lieu à Londres en Septembre 2014, la seconde commence le dimanche 8 mai à Orlando, en Floride.

Photo Credits: Paris MAtch

May 2nd

May 4th

The British & Canadians Royal Courts: Playing for Sentebale

He was facing one of the tenors of polo. During the match he played in Wellington in Palm Beach County in Florida this Wednesday, May 4, Prince Harry faced particular Ignacio "Nacho" Figueras. This Argentine aged 39, sometimes dubbed the "Beckham of polo," is among the 100 best players of this discipline in the world. Such an opponent has not scared the grand-son of Queen Elizabeth II. Which won the match with his team.

This match was played in a good cause. This was indeed the Sentebale polo Cup, an annual tournament that humanitarian youngest son of Prince Charles and the late Princess Diana created in 2010 to raise money for his eponymous foundation. This helps vulnerable children in Lesotho, especially those who are HIV positive and / or whose parents have died of AIDS. Following the meeting, Prince Harry announced that the foundation also Sentebale now would support children in Botswana.

Two days earlier, Monday, May 2, the younger brother of Prince William was in Canada. With Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, he launched the mediatically Invictus Games 2017 in Toronto, the city that will host the third edition of the competition which is at the origin. These kinds Olympics, played in ten disciplines vying put former military men and women from different countries who have been injured as part of their commitment to serving their country. The first edition took place in London in September 2014, the second starts on Sunday 8 May in Orlando, Florida.
Photo Credits: Paris MAtch

May 2nd

May 4th

The British and Canadian Royal Courts: The new host to Invictus Games #InvictusGames @InvictusToronto

I started my day with the biggest hurray ever. There have been rumors of Prince Harry coming to Canada in 2017 for 150 anniversary of the Confederation have finally been true. The 31 year old Prince revealed in a video that he will be bringing the international sports competition for wounded troops Invictus Games who is being held this year in Orlando Florida will be held in the Great White North city of Toronto next year.

"I am absolutely delighted to announce that the Invictus legacy will continue when Toronto hosts the third Invictus Games," Harry said in a video statement issued Wednesday.

"It's also the year when Canada will commemorate its 150th anniversary of Confederation. I can't think of a better way to mark this milestone than by paying tribute to the soldiers and veterans who have served their country so bravely and to support them along their journey to recovery."

The Invictus Games is a sporting competition for wounded, injured and sick troops and includes both current and veteran members of the forces. It aims to use sport to inspire recovery and draw awareness to the physical and psychological injuries suffered by service members.
Harry founded the games after a 2013 visit to the U.S.-based Warrior Games, a domestic sporting competition for ill and injured American service members and veterans. Looking to establish an expanded version of those games, Harry set up the Invictus Games, named after the Latin word for unconquered.
The games were first held in London in 2014 and involved more than 400 competitors from 13 countries.
The Toronto games, set for September 2017, will feature more competitors and more sports than the event has had before, Harry said.

"It will even involve competing on ice, because this is Canada after all," he said.
Bruno Guevremont, captain of Team Canada for the upcoming games, said taking part in the event in Canada will mean a great deal.
"Competing in the Invictus Games on home soil will provide me and my fellow military competitors with the pride and confidence needed to push our minds and bodies beyond what we thought was possible -- to represent our country shoulder-to-shoulder, as we once did."
According to the Foundation, Toronto won the rights to the 2017 event because it demonstrated "a real understanding of the core concept and vision" of the games. It also noted that the city recently hosted the 2015 Pan Am and Parapan Am Games.

Les cours royales britanniques et canadiennes: le nouvel hôte pour Invictus Games #InvictusGames @InvictusToronto

J'ai commencé ma journée avec le plus grand hourra jamais. Il y a eu des rumeurs que le prince Harry viendra au Canada en 2017 pour les 150 ans de la Confédération ont finalement été vrai. Le prince de 31 ans a révélé dans une vidéo qu'il apportera la compétition sportive internationale pour les troupes blessés/ les veterans Invictus Games qui se tient cette année à Orlando en Floride aura lieu dans la ville du Grand Nord Blanc dans la ville de Toronto l'an prochain.

"Je suis absolument ravi d'annoncer que l'héritage Invictus continuera quand Toronto accueille les troisièmes Jeux Invictus», a déclaré Harry dans un communiqué vidéo publié mercredi.

«Il est aussi l'année où le Canada célébrera son 150e anniversaire de la Confédération. Je ne peux pas penser à une meilleure façon de marquer cette étape que, en rendant hommage aux soldats et aux anciens combattants qui ont servi leur pays avec tant de courage et de les soutenir le long de leur chemin de la guérison ".

Les Jeux Invictus est une compétition sportive pour les blessés, blessés et malades des troupes et comprend à la fois les membres actuels et anciens des forces. Il vise à utiliser le sport pour inspirer la récupération et sensibiliser les gens aux blessures physiques et psychologiques subis par les membres du service.
Harry a fondé les jeux après une visite 2013 aux Jeux de guerrier à base de US, une compétition sportive nationale pour les membres des services américains malades ou blessés et aux anciens combattants. Vous cherchez à établir une version élargie de ces jeux, Harry a mis en place les Jeux Invictus, nommé d'après le mot pour unconquered latine.
Les jeux ont eu lieu à Londres en 2014 et participent plus de 400 concurrents de 13 pays.
Les jeux de Toronto, fixés pour Septembre 2017 mettra en vedette plus de concurrents et plus de sports que l'événement a eu avant, dit Harry.

"Il va même impliquer la compétition sur la glace, parce que c'est le Canada après tout," dit-il.
Bruno Guevremont, capitaine d'Équipe Canada pour les jeux à venir, a déclaré prendre part à l'événement au Canada signifiera beaucoup.
"Participer aux Jeux Invictus sur le sol de la maison sera moi et mes concurrents militaires compatriotes avec la fierté et la confiance nécessaire pour pousser nos esprits et des corps au-delà de ce que nous pensions était possible de fournir - pour représenter notre pays d'épaule à épaule, comme nous avons une fois fait."
Selon la Fondation, Toronto a remporté les droits pour l'événement 2017 parce qu'il a démontré «une réelle compréhension du concept de base et la vision" des jeux. Il a également noté que la ville a récemment accueilli 2015 Pan Am et des Jeux parapanaméricains.

The Canadian Royal Family: Sophie, Countess of Wessex in Toronto via @monarchist @BBishopAirport, @LGLizDowdeswell, @THERAWF

HRH Sophie, Countess of Wessex was in Toronto from Nov 11th till November 14th.This is HRH's 13th visit to Canadian soil.  On her arrival at Billy Bishop Airport in Toronto, HRH was welcome by Ontario's Lieutenant Governor Hon Elizabeth Dowdeswell.
She started her working visiting  together with The Lieutenant Governor by visiting the Native Child and Family Services of Toronto, a leader in the field of Native human services in Canada. Native Child and Family Services of Toronto (NCFST) was founded in 1986 by concerned members of Toronto’s Native community.
Yesterday was a day of learning and insight about the experiences of Aboriginal people living in urban settings. Thank...
Posted by LG Elizabeth Dowdeswell on Friday, 13 November 2015
HRH Outfit for the occasion:
Sandro Valina Jacket with trousers.
Boho Betty UK Smokey quartz earrings.
LK Bennett Belle boots.
Louis Vuitton Nocturne GM Black Epi Leather Shoulder Bag.

Day 2

On day 2 She attended a number of activities
  • Meeting at the Shangri-La Hotel, Toronto, Ontario, Canada as Patron of Toronto General Hospital
  • visited Toronto Western Hospital. Together with the Lieutenant Governor met with doctors and researchers
  • took part in an official announcement of the renaming of the Research Institute.
  • Unveiled a plaque recognizing organ donors
  • Visited the 93rd Royal Agricultural Winter Fair 
  • made a presentation to WindReach Farm on behalf of The Royal

The Belgian Royal Court: HRH Princess Astrid of Belgium on a Canadian Visit

HRH Princess Astrid of Belgium is in Canada since Yesterday Wednesday October 28th for a week long Economic mission on behalf of her brother His Majesty King Philippe to the Canadian Western provinces of British Columbia and Alberta.

This Economic mission is in an effort to straighten communications between Belgium and Western Canada. Whilst in British Columbia in the Cities of Vancouver and Burnaby, HRH first met with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Queen of Canada's representative to the province Lieutenant Governor Judith Guichon
According to Huffington Post"While they were in Vancouver they will visit the aquarium, which uses projectors made by Belgian audio visual company Barco, and hear about EXMAR, a Belgian marine engineering company working on an LNG project near Kitimat."
In Burnaby  According to Burnaby Now"They had a stop at Alpha Technologies, a Burnaby-based technology company specializing in power solutions that has close ties to Belgium."

Her visit continue to Calgary in the Province of Alberta since yesterday for a 3 day visit, were they visited Cumming School of Medicine at the University of Calgary as well as meet with Calgary Economic Development, city officials and oilpatch executives to discuss business and investment opportunities stemming from the Canada-EU trade deal.

After Her visit she went to the Military Museums in Calgary on October 28, 2015 were she inspected the Guard of Honour and paid tribute to Canadians who lost their lives on Belgian soil and commemorated #BattleofPasschendaele.

The Canadian Royal Court: A visit to Canada from Prince Edward Earl of Wessex via @CrownCanada

HRH Prince Edward Earl of Wessex is in Canada in his capacity of Patron of the Duke of Edinburgh International Award from October 26th-November 03. According to the office of Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II Queen of Canada The Crown in Canada, His Royal Highness will be tour 4 provinces that of Ontarion, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland and Labrador and finally Nova Scotia.
On his first day in Canada, The Earl of Wessex visited three tech startups in Toronto, Ontario at the Ryerson University Campus. 

Earlier today HRH had a tête-à-tête with Her Majesty's Representative to Canada Governor General David Johnston before taking part in the 2015 Forum of the Duke of Edinburgh International Award in Toronto

Fun Fact:

La Cour Royale Canadienne: SAR Le Prince Edward Comte de Wessex en visit au Canada Via @LaCouronneCa

SAR le prince Edward comte de Wessex est au Canada en sa capacite de patron du Prix du Duc d'Edimbourg à partir de Octobre 26 et Novembre 03.
Selon le bureau de Sa Majesté la Reine Elizabeth II Reine du Canada La Couronne au Canada, Son Altesse Royale sera tournée dans 4 provinces donc Ontario, Île du Prince Édouard, Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador et enfin la Nouvelle-Écosse.
Sur sa première journée au Canada, le comte de Wessex a visité trois startups technologiques à Toronto, en Ontario, au campus de l'Université Ryerson.

 Plus tôt aujourd'hui, SAR a eu un tête-à-tête avec le représentant de Sa Majesté au Canada,
gouverneur général David Johnston, avant de prendre part au Forum 2015 du Prix du Duc d'Edimbourg à Toronto

The Royal Courts events- Princess Anne, Britain's tough, practical 65th birthday celebration

Happy Birthday to Princess Anne born today in 1950

Facts about the Princess:
1)Princess Anne was born on the 15th August 1950 in Clarence House and became 3rd in line to throne before Princess Elisabeth became Queen Elisabeth II. On October 21 1950, She was baptized Anne Elisabeth Alice Louise in the music room in Buckingham Palace.
2)The title of Princess Royal which was given to the Princess was actually the seventh.
3)For just last year Princess Anne attended 528 engagements which include attending 11 engagements in 48 hours in Canada attending the re dedication of the National War Memorial on Remembrance Day celebrate 11th November.
4) HRH got married twice first to Capt Mark Philips in 14th November 1972 in a televised wedding with whom she has 2 children Peter and Zara and 3 grand children Savannah, Isla and Mia Tindall. In 1989 Princess Royal and Mark Philips announced their divorce and divorce in 1992. She later married Timothy Lawrence
5) Her children Peter and Zara are the first grandchildren of the reigning monarch to not have titles at the request of their mother to live simple life but are still in line to the throne.
6)The Princess Royal is known for being simple and private. Her fashion choice is very commendable dressing most of the time like a tomboy. At military events like to Trooping of the Colors or Remembrance Day, she wears male version of the army uniforms
7) Rarely do you hear of the scandals from within the Princess Royals' Household that's because she values her privacy and quietness
8) She is an accomplished equestrian winning in 1971 the individual title at the European Eventing Championship. Having represent Great Britain in the Equestrian events at 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal, Quebec Canada. Her daughter Zara followed in her footstep by representing Great Britain and winning bronze in London during 2012 Summer Olympic Games.
9) Princess Royal is patroness to over 340 organisation across the Commonwealth ream. In Canada, Australia and New Zealand, she is the Colonel-in- Chief to most Military Regiments.
10) Her grand children Savannah and Isla Philips are the first Canadians to be considered in line to the throne due to their dual Canadian and British citizenships
11) She is considered the hardest working royal after her mother Queen Elisabeth II

Happy Birthday Princess Royale




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