The Spanish Royal Courts: Queen Letizia attends a seminar at the National Library

Her Majesty the Queen attended the first round table seminar "Spain 2030. Spanish Cooperation and the new agenda for sustainable development", organized by the National Library of Spain and the Elcano Royal Institute in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, ISGlobal and Intermon Oxfam.
The seminar aims to identify the coming challenges of the Spanish cooperation after the UN Summit on Sustainable Development held in New York on 25-27 September this year, approved the 17 sustainable development goals and launched an international agenda to achieve them by 2030
photo credits: Casa Del Rey

The Norwegian Royal Courts: Crown Prince Haakon in Paris

Today  UNESCO 38th General Congress opened the and for the next 14 days 195 member states will agree on policies and priorities for the coming two years. Crown Prince Haakon stood on the podium and delivered the opening speech in Paris today.

You can read his speech here
Here is a a sample from his speech when speaking on the relevance of the work the UNESCO and its mandate according to "UNESCO's role and Mandate is as IMPORTANT today as it was 70 years ago". He continued by saying "Education, science, culture, communication and information are all essential in a world where people are Increasingly interconnected and dependent on each other."

On Education HRH emphasis on the consequence of Education in Human rights and the efforts of placing education during the times of wars by saying "Hardest hit are the many victims of war, natural disasters and epidemic. Increased efforts are needed two preventBubble military attacks on schools and universities. More support is Necessary two the ensure quality education in emergencies and protracted crises.
Education is a fundamental human right; it is Also essential for gret inclusive, equitable and sustainable developmentQuality Education Provider peoplewith the skills, knowledge and values ​​They need two tackle the various challenges They are thunderstorms to face in society.

He also place the importance of of ensuring schools under a separate arrangement devoted protection of education in times of conflict. Only in Syria, there have been more than 4,000 attacks on schools in the past four years. With Norway being among the driving forces for putting in place a declaration on safe schools, and it was presented at a conference in Norway earlier this year. So far, 50 countries endorsed the statement, which also includes practical guidelines for reducing the effects of armed conflict on schools and universities, pupils and students.
- Nowhere is the need-to-string then education more urgent than in Situations of armed conflict. Norway remains committed to working towards safe schools for all, and we look forward two Continued Co-operation with UNESCO and many of our partners presented here today

After that, HRH was at one of France's biggest grocery retailers, Le bon Marche at had sample on the fresh Norwegian meals

The Norwegian Royal Courts: Crown Princess Mette-Marit continues her fight againts HIV stigmatisation @Kronsprinsparet

Today November 2nd, HRH Crown Princess Mette-Maritt had a busy agenda. Her first stop was at the conference HIV15 against HIV stigmations. In her capacity and appointment as Special Representative for UNAIDS since 2006 she has been a huge advocated for youth and all those who's life have change since contracting HIV in Norway.  She has focused put in especially on efforts to strengthen youth leadership in the fight against AIDS
Photo Credits:

Her Royal Highness Crown Princess was in the afternoon to be present at the EuroNGOs conference on reproductive health held over two days in Oslo.

La Cour Royale Danoise: Une vraie joie de la part de la Princess Josephine

Ce dimanche 1 Nov Le Couple danoise prince héritier avec leurs quatre enfants ont assisté à la traditionnelle "Hubertusjagten" (Fox Hunt) à Klampenborg.
Habillez-vous en vêtements chauds, RALPH LAUREN Tweed Jacket, UNIQLO Compact Vest, Bottes d'équitation Prada, est monté à bord d'un chariot le 1er Novembre, au nord de Copenhague.
Véritable institution dans le Royaume du Danemark depuis sa création en 1900, cet événement réunit chaque année le premier dimanche de Novembre, plusieurs milliers de spectateurs.
Ceux-ci viennent voir 160 coureurs surmonter 33 obstacles, y compris celui où ils risquent de tomber dans glacée- de l'eau dans une «chasse au renard" que Fox a plus que le nom. Si les participants à l'origine de renards effet chassés avec des chiens, maintenant ils se précipitent après deux pilotes expérimentés qui sont loin devant eux, queues de renard attachés à leur rouge jacket.At la promenade en calèche a été ajouté à Marie, Frederik et leurs enfants l'occasion d'observer la course de le balcon de la "Eremitageslottet« très baroque de Dyrehaven, un pavillon de chasse construit pour Christian VI du Danemark entre 1734 et 1,736.

Et le moins que l'on puisse dire de voir leurs expressions dans les photographies immortalisant la journée est que le prince Christian, qui a récemment célébré son 10e anniversaire - la princesse Isabella, 8 ans et demi, et les jumeaux Joséphine et Vincent, 4 ans et demi, ont vécu intensément le spectacle qui se déroulait devant leurs yeux.
photo credits: Paris Match

La Cour Royale de Monaco et de Hanouvre: Beatrice Borreomeo-Casiraghi tres fruitee a la Havane, Cuba

Princesse Caroline de Hanovre, accompagnée de son plus jeune fils Pierre Casiraghi et sa femme Beatrice Borromeo, était à la fin de la semaine dernière, aux côtés des Ballets de Monte-Carlo, invité à la cérémonie de clôture du Festival International de Théâtre de La Havane.
Habilles en robes d'été sont de rigueur pour Princesse Caroline de Hanovre et Beatrice Borromeo ces 29 et 30 Octobre.
Loin de la Principauté de Monaco, les deux femmes ont profité de la chaleur de Cuba. Président des Ballets de Monte-Carlo, elle a créé en 1985, la sœur aînée du Prince Albert II était venu sur l'île pour soutenir ses danseurs. La société monégasque il a produit les 30 et 31 Octobre et 1er Novembre dans le Teatro de la Habana festival avec Cendrillon, une partie emblématique de son répertoire.
Photographié vendredi dans les rues de La Havane, avec Caroline de Monaco Pierre Casiraghi dans une couleur jaune paille marqué la taille d'une ceinture blanche tressée, Beatrice a opté le lendemain pour une robe turquoise longue parsemée d'une multitude de fruits pieds nus coloré et exotique. Une tenue qui contrastait avec celle de sa belle-mère, qui portait une simple robe noire et des sandales à talons
Photo Credits: Paris Match




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