The Spanish royal family goes skiing

The Spanish Royal family had their winter photo call took place this Sunday, February 5th 2017 in the High Aragon of the western Pyrenees, close to the French border.. This day of sliding was part of a whole weekend in the area. The Catalan daily "La Vanguardia" observes that the quartet arrived on Saturday in the town of Jaca where the Astún ski resort is located. Letizia, Felipe, Leonor and Sofia spent the morning strolling around the old town, visiting in particular the city whose construction was ordered in the sixteenth century by King Felipe II of Spain to prevent French invasions. Also included in the program are visiting the diocesan museum of Jaca and its collections of medieval sacred art, as well as a lunch at the restaurant Las Tres Ranas where they took the pictures in all simplicity with the staff.

Nuria Tiburcio royal journalist of Spanish website "Vanitatis-El Confidencial" said, "This is the first time we see the daughters of the couple skiing and the truth is that it shows that they have mastered this sport, since they were able to follow on the slopes their father, who is an expert skier, "She wrote. The other Spanish media confirm. Never before had they been officially photographed skiing in Spain with their daughters, 11 year old Princess of Asturias and 9 months Infanta Sofia. This does not mean that they did not do it from time to time incognito.

Doña Letizia like the King opted for an all black sportswear had  Bogner 'Mabel-D' ski jacket,  Bogner 'Freeride' Ski Helmet and Swans ski googles. For the princess of Asturias wore bright pink ski pants, which she paired with a colorful polka dot jacket and an orange helmet by Phenix.The family benjamin wore orange trousers and jacket, also by Phenix with matching colored helmet. The ski boots of the two small ones were blue and Eassun's black spectacles. Thanks to this family stamp we have seen that the Infanta Sofía, who next April will be ten years old, is already as high as her elder sister, Princess Leonor.

After a dinner and a night at the Hotel Real Anayet in Canfranc, the ruler and his family mingled with the skiers - who for many have not noticed their presence - on the slopes of the stations of Astún and Candanchú. "During the brief photo session, the two sisters were timid and well-behaved, while the king criticized bad weather with the spirit of an old skiing enthusiast for whom the only disadvantage is the lack, Excess of snow, "says La Vanguardia. The Spanish media specifies that at noon the royal couple and their daughters went to eat in the restaurant Borda L'Anglassé in Canfranc, after passing in front of the spectacular building of the old international station inaugurated in 1928 by the king Alfonso XIII.

New photos from the Crown Princess Family

The Court of Sweden publish two new photos of Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar, the children of Crown Princess Victoria and her husband Prince Consort Daniel.

We all already know that the little princess Estelle was taking a maker in hand, the second in line who will celebrate her 5 years on February 23th, draws under 11 months old little brother Prince Oscar's watchful eyes.
© Anna-Lena Ahlström,

This beautiful photograph of two children of Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and her husband Prince Daniel consort, taken from life, aired this Friday, February 3, 2017 by the Royal Swedish Court on his Instagram account.

This shot is doubled by a second. We see the two grandchildren of King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden and Queen Silvia, this time in the company of their parents. Dressed in the same outfit - a gray wool dress for Estelle, a white shirt and gray trousers from French company Tartine et Chocolat for the young Duke of Skane.

In a set garnet pants associated with a blouse with powdered pink Lavalliere collar, in a cashmere Alexandra jacket by Greta Stockholm and wearing a bun, Crown Princess Victoria holds her son, looking mutinous, on his knees. A hand in that of his father and an elbow resting on his mother's knee, Estelle is standing between them. 

Leurs lutte contre la cyber intimidation

Le mercredi 1er février, le prince Carl Philip et la princesse Sofia ont assisté au lancement de leur podcast Raiders of likes. C'est une occasion organisée par la fondation du couple couple Prince avec les hôtes Isa Galvan et Linnea Holst.
En relation avec le premier épisode a été libéré il y avait un lancement du podcast Raiders d'aime. Un podcast qui s'adresse aux parents et s'adresse à diverses plateformes sociales, parlant parental nätjuridik, la critique et la poursuite constante des goûts.

Le prince Carl Philip et la princesse Sofia (dans un chemisier AHLVAR Hisako) ont ensuite parlé de la façon dont ils ont eux-mêmes été victimes d'un mot suédois pour les menaces en ligne. À l'abus ou l'intimidation sur Internet) et que l'expérience a été une force motrice pour aider les autres.

Le prince dit entre autres choses:

«Je pense que la plupart d'entre nous ont de la difficulté à imaginer la vie sans internet, il y a tellement de choses positives, mais comme pour tout, il y a des côtés brillants et sombres du filet. Une force motrice pour aider les autres personnes vulnérables et c'est précisément pourquoi nous avons choisi de travailler avec cela dans notre fondation. "

Les présentateurs Isa Galvan et Linnea Holst souligné combien il est important de parler de médias sociaux parce que les enfants et les jeunes qui y traînent tellement. Que les parents sont nécessaires, mais que les adultes ont souvent du mal à comprendre comment les médias sociaux fonctionnent, ou comment il fonctionne en termes pratiques, car ils ne sont pas en ligne dans la même mesure.
Photo Credits:

Leurs Altesses Royales ont ensuite participé au premier enregistrement du podcast qui sera publié tous les mercredis. Au cours du podcast, la Princesse Sofia se souvient de son expérience de l'intimidation en ligne: «Je peux voir un changement, depuis avant de rencontrer Carl-Philip, et notre relation est devenue publique, après. La première année, il y avait une énorme haine contre moi. C'était comme se cogner la tête contre un mur "selon le journal Expressen. À un moment donné, elle a décidé de fermer définitivement son compte Facebook.

The Prince Couple fight against online bullying

On Wednesday, February 1st, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia attended the launch of their podcast Raiders of likes. It is an occasion hosted by the couple's Prince Couple's foundation along with the hosts Isa Galvan and Linnea Holst.
In connection with the first episode was released there was a launch of the podcast Raiders of likes . a podcast which caters to parents and addressing various social platforms, talking parental nätjuridik, criticism and the constant pursuit of likes.

Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia(in a AHLVAR Hisako Blouse then spoke about how they themselves have been victims of näthat a swedish word for online threats. It is a legal term but not a general term and it can involve different crimes. It generally refers to abuse or bullying over internet.) and that the experience has been a driving force to help others.

The prince said among other things:

"I think most of us find it difficult to imagine life without the internet. There are so enormously positive! But as with everything, there are both bright and dark sides of the net. We ourselves have been exposed online. It has become a strong driving force to help others who are vulnerable. And that is precisely why we chose to work with this in our foundation. "

The presenters Isa Galvan and Linnea Holst highlighted how important it is to talk about social media because children and young people hanging there so much. That parents are needed, but that adults often find it difficult to understand how social media works, or how it works in practical terms because they are not online to the same extent.
Photo Credits:

Their Royal Highnesses then took part in the first recording of the podcast which will be published every Wednesday. During the podcast, Princess Sofia recalls her experience with online bullying "I can see a change, from before I met Carl-Philip, and our relationship became public, after. The first year there was an enormous hatred on the net against me as a person. It was like banging your head against a wall"  according to the newspaper Expressen. This lead at one point she decided therefore to  permanently close her Facebook account.

L'exposition sur le Fidji avec la reine Elisabeth II

Ce vendredi, la reine Elizabeth II a fait son premier engagement officiel de l'année 2017 à Norwich et son comité hôte était au moins inhabituel.

Il s'agissait d'un homme fidjien en costume traditionnel composé d'un long pagne, ce dernier montrant de grands anneaux noirs sur son front et ses joues et tenant une hache sur son épaule qui accueillent la reine en descendant sa voiture. Une image immortalisant le moment montre un moment d'hésitation dans le regard du souverain avait regagné son sourire devant ce comité à première vue du plus insolite. À première vue seulement.

Marquant son premier engagement officiel de 2017, Elizabeth II, dans un chapeau et une tenue rose fuchsia et noire, a inauguré une exposition au centre de Sainsbury pour les arts visuels situé à Norwich, Norfolk, où la grand-mère de dix est actuellement au château de Sandringham. Cette exposition traite de l'art de Fidji, de la vie sur l'île et de ses traditions.
L'exposition intitulée «Fidji: art et vie dans le Pacifique», cette exposition est la plus grande et la plus complète sur les Fidji jamais organisée au Royaume-Uni. Il a plus de 280 objets et œuvres d'art, de la fin du 18ème siècle, prêté aux musées britanniques du musée Fidji. En plus des sculptures, des textiles, de la céramique, des armes et de l'habillement, Elizabeth a pu voir une vidéo la montrant alors qu'elle demeurait dans ces îles en 1953, quand l'île faisait toujours partie de l'empire colonial britannique.

Photo Credits: Paris Match

The Fiji expedition with Her Majesty the Queen

This Friday, Queen Elizabeth II made her first official engagement of the year 2017 in Norwich and her host committee was at least unusual.

It was a Fiji man in his traditional outfit consisting of a long loincloth, the latter showed large black rings on his forehead and cheeks and held an ax on his shoulder who welcome the Queen as she descended her car. A picture immortalizing the moment shows a moment of hesitation in the gaze of the sovereign had regained her smile before this committee at first sight of the most unusual. At first sight only.

Marking her first official engagement of 2017, Elizabeth II, in a pink fuchsia and black hat and outfit, inaugurated an exhibition at the Sainsbury Center for Visual Arts located in Norwich, Norfolk, where the grandmother of ten is currently at Sandringham castle. This exhibition deals with Fiji's art, life on the island and their traditions.
The exhibition named "Fiji: Art & Life in the Pacific", this exhibition is the largest and the most comprehensive one about Fiji ever organized in the United Kingdom. It has more than 280 objects and works of art, fromthe late 18th century, loaned to British museums from the Fiji Museum. In addition to sculptures, textiles, ceramics, weapons and clothing, Elizabeth was able to see a video showing her while she was staying in these islands in 1953, when the island was still part of the British colonial empire.

Photo Credits: Paris Match

La Nouvelle photo de la famille heritiere

La Cour suédoise a publie deux nouvelles photos de la princesse Estelle et du prince Oscar, les enfants de la princesse Victoria et de son mari, le prince consort Daniel.

Nous savons déjà que la petite princesse Estelle prenait un fabricant en main, le deuxième en ligne qui fêtera ses 5 ans le 23 février, dessine sous 11 mois les yeux vigilants du petit frère Prince Oscar.
© Anna-Lena Ahlström,

Cette belle photo de deux enfants de la princesse héritière Victoria de Suède et de son mari prêtre Daniel consort, tirée de la vie, a été diffusée ce vendredi 3 février 2017 par la cour suédoise royale sur son compte Instagram.

Ce coup est doublé d'une seconde. Nous voyons les deux petits-enfants du roi Carl XVI Gustaf de Suède et de la reine Silvia, cette fois en compagnie de leurs parents. Vêtus de la même tenue - une robe de laine grise pour Estelle, une chemise blanche et un pantalon gris de la compagnie française Tartine et Chocolat pour le jeune duc de Skane.

Dans un pantalon de grenat fixé associé à une blouse avec le col Lavalliere rose en poudre, dans une veste d'Alexandra de cachemire par Greta Stockholm et portant un pain, la princesse héritière Victoria tient son fils, regardant mutinous, sur ses genoux. Une main dans celle de son père et un coude reposant sur le genou de sa mère, Estelle est debout entre eux.




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