The Spanish Royal Courts: The Delivery of Justice and Disability Forum Awards

Her Majesty the Queen had presided over the delivery of the VIII edition of the "Justice and Disability Forum" awards which was held at the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Madrid on December 1st  which each year rewards actions to defend the rights of disabled people and better social integration.
The Queen of Spain with an elegant square slightly wavy bob hairstyle, recurred in a two-tone dress. But this time she had chosen Hugo Boss BOSS Fashion Show 'FS_Jesila' blazer and  BOSS 'Vapina' Scribble-Print Skirt.  Queen Letizia had associated her black jacket tightened at the waist by a loop in a white BOSS 'Bedona' natural silk blouse, TOUS cultured freshwater pearl drop earrings and a  Magrit 'Mila' style pump.
Photo Credits: Paris Match/Casa Del Rey

The Spanish Royal Courts: Her Majesty Queen Letizia attended Nutrigenomics

Her Majesty the Queen, Special Ambassador of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for Nutrition, attended the Seminar of the Higher Council for Scientific Research in Nutrigenomics, a branch of nutritional genomics studies the effect of nutrients on the genome, proteome and metabolome at CSIC(Superior Council for Scientific Research Institute) on November 30, 2015 in Madrid, Spain.

Her Majesty had her hair straighten and in a her classic navy blue pantsuit she wore  Hugo Boss 'Tazotti' trousers with a white  Hugo Boss 'Banora' blouse with round neckline. A working, business woman look that perfectly suited her appointment. She paired her outfits with Magrit 'Mila' pumps, Links of London Hope Egg earrings and navy leather Loewe Large Double Pouch
 Photo Credits: Casa del Rey/Paris Match

La Cour Royale Espagnol: Sa Majesty au Seminar sur la Nutrition

Sa Majesté la Reine, ambassadeur spécial de l'Organisation pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (FAO) pour la nutrition, a participé au séminaire du Conseil supérieur de la recherche scientifique en nutrigénomique, une branche de la génomique nutritionnelle étudie l'effet des nutriments sur le génome, protéome et métabolome au CSIC (Conseil supérieur de l'Institut de recherche scientifique) le 30 Novembre, 2015 Madrid, Espagne.

Sa Majesté avait les cheveux lissés et un tailleur-pantalon bleu marine classique lui, elle portait des pantalons de Tazotti 'd'Hugo Boss avec le chemisier de Banora' d'Hugo Boss blanc avec encolure ronde. Un style et look de femme d'affaires regarde que parfaitement adapté sa nomination. Elle jumelé ses tenues avec des chaussures Magrit 'Mila' , des boucles d'oreilles de Londres Liens de l'espoir d'oeufs et de cuir marine Loewe Grand Double Pouchette
 Photo Credits: Casa del Rey/Paris Match

The Norwegian Royal Courts: 2 separate receptions at the Royal Palace

The Royal Palace in Oslo seems to have hoste 2 back to back events. On November 26th, His Majesty King Harald VI and H.R.H Crown Princess Mette Maritt hosted a reception at the Royal Palace for recipients of the King’s Medal of Merit.
Photo Credits:

On the evening of November 27th, with a continuation of celebrating the anniversary for Queen Sonja's School conference, Her Majesty The Queen Sonja and Crown Prince Haakon invited guest for a reception at the Royal Palace Friday afternoon.




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