The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: audiences

La Cour Royale Espagnole: Sa Majeste recois des audience au Palais de Zarzuela

Pour  sa matinée d’audiences ce mercredi au Palais de la Zarzuela à Madrid, la reine Letizia a enfilé un nouveau manteau quartz rose, associant cette fois en gris et blanc.

Un programme distinct de cette 17e Février pour le roi et la reine d'Espagne que nous avions vu la veille ensemble dans le musée du Prado. Si les deux avaient leurs horaires audiences au Palais de la Zarzuela, il était en fait chacun de leur côté. Pour sa part, Letizia a reçu les premiers représentants de la Fondation "Institut Âge humain," qui lui-même fixé l'objectif de faire le talent de conduire la transformation des individus, des organisations et de la société dans son ensemble. Puis elle a suivi avec le conseil d'administration du Collège de médecine dentaire et de stomatologie de la région réunissant la communauté de Madrid et dans les provinces d'Avila, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Guadalajara et Tolède. L'occasion d'en apprendre davantage sur leurs activités en matière de sensibilisation du public sur l'importance de la prévention de la santé bucco-dentaire, en particulier chez les jeunes, les personnes âgées et malades, ainsi que des personnes en position d'exclusion.

Pour ces deux rendez-vous successifs, maman de deux apparue vêtue du manteau Hugo Boss quartz rose Couleur de Pantone de l'année, Rose Quartz un des aspect de printemps, nous avons vu qu'elle portait le 12 Janvier, un pantalon gris Hugo BOSS Jaelly ', Margrit pompes de brevets en cuir .
Photo Credits: Paris Match

The Swedish Royal Courts: The Sovereign couple presents medal, King Gustaf grants audiences to New Foreign ambassadors and Moldova's President

Monday February 8th, the King held an audience for Moldova's President Andrian Candu at the Royal Palace.

Friday February 5th, The King granted audience to four newly appointed foreign ambassadors at the Royal Palace during formal audiences.
The newly appointed ambassadors are Malaysia's ambassador Norlin Othman, Czech Ambassador Jiri Sitler, Cuba's Ambassador Rosario Navas Morata and the Guinean Ambassador Fatoumata Balde.

On Thursday February 4th Their Majesties King Gustaf and Queen Silvia awarded HM ​​The King's Medal and litteris et artibus at a ceremony held in the Lovisa Ulrika dining at the Royal Palace.
Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se

La Cour Royale Suedoise: Audiences Former au Palais Royale

Jeudi 15 Octobre, Le Roy a reçu quatre ambassadeurs étrangers nouvellement nommés au Palais Royal à des publics formels.
Les ambassadeurs nouvellement nommés de l'Ambassadeur Fatma Omrani Chargui de la Tunisie, ambassadeur grec Dimitrios Touloupas, Ambassadeur Iulian Buga de la Roumanie et l'Ambassadeur du Laos Bounpheng Saykanya

The Royal Courts of Sweden: Swedish Royals prepare for their trip to Lithaunia

Swedish King Gustaf and Queen Silvia met with met experts from the Foreign Ministry to obtain in-depth knowledge of Lithuania before the state visit on September 29th at the Royal Palace in Stockholm.
This visit is a first since 1992 on an invitation from Lithuanian President  Dalia Grybauskaitė. It will take place from October 7 to 9
Photo Credits: Kungahuset.se

King receive in audience the head of the Greek Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of the Church of Sweden and Scandinavia.  Cleopas Strongylis,

Newly appointed Ambassadors from Angola, Thailand, El Salvador, Sri Lanka, Rwanda, the Netherlands and Denmark met with King Gustaf and Queen Silvia to present their credentials at tonight's diplomatic reception

The Royal Courts of Luxembourg: Grand Duke Henri grants audience to a few personalities mostly Foreign Governments officials

HRH Grand Duke Henri granted audience to the President of the Eurofi Jacques de Larosière at the Grand-Ducal Palace. 

According to the Grand Duchy Court The Eurofi Association promotes exchanges between key players in banking and financial sectors. Successively head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), governor of the Bank of France, President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD); Mr. de Larosière advocates, since the 2008 financial crisis, increased regulation of Finance including the creation of a warning system under the aegis of the European Central Bank.

HRH Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume attended with Him, the Eurofi Financial Forum 2015 entitled "emerging trends in the financial sector", held at Expo Lux-Kirchberg, September 10, 2015.

HRH Grand Duke also granted audience to Dutch Prime Minister His Excellency Mark Rutte as part of his official visit to the Duchy of Luxembourg

The Royal Court of Luxembourg- Grand Duke Henri holds his first audience for the New Academic year

His Royal Highness Grand-Duke Henri of Luxembourg held his first audience on September 2nd 2015 at the Grand Duchy Palace with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the Ministers of Defense of the European Union as part of the 12th Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2015

The Royal Courts of Spain: Their Majesty King Felipe and Queen Letizia attend audience

Their Majesties attend quite a number of audience on September 2nd 2015 at the Zarzuela Palace in Madrid Spain




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