The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Chitralada Palace

The Thailand Royal Court: Some news about King Rama IX health

The health news of King Rama IX of Thailand, 88 years old, are not good. The palace said Tuesday that doctors "closely monitoring" His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej health who was hospitalized for cardiac and respiratory disorders, is currently suffering from a high fever.

On January 11th, the King of Thailand, whose 88th anniversary was celebrated December 5, 2015, had briefly left the Siriraj hospital in central Bangkok, the time for a "walk" in the Chitralada Palace. His previous output went up in June 2015. But in this mid-February, the health status of the oldest reigning monarch in the world more than ever concerned his people.

The Palace has indeed indicated that on February 17 that Bhumibol Adulyadej, hospitalized for heart and respiratory disorders, is under tight control of physicians. And the day before, because of a high fever and breathing irregularities. The statement said that "a team of royal physicians (it) regularly administered a solution of intravenous antibiotics, and (him) continually ensures oxygen supply." royalty services also report that a diastolic heart condition was diagnosed last week.




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