The Royal Courts/Les Cours Royales: Andrea Casiraghi

You will soon be able to visit Princess Grace of Monaco's childhood home

"I am very happy to have saved my old family home from certain death. We are still pondering what we are going to do with it. We may think of hosting exhibitions, and maybe use some parts as offices for our foundation, "said Prince Albert II of Monaco on October 21th to People Magazine.  It is again to this American tabloid that the sovereign Monegasque entrusted in this beginning of year 2017 with respect to the becoming of his mother Princess Grace Kelly's childhood home in Philadelphia, which he purchase last year on September 28th 2016.

The three-storey colonial-style brick mansion, built in 1935 by John B. Kelly, the father to Princess Grace Kelly, will house the regional offices of the Princess Grace Foundation and an American extension of the Princess Grace Irish Library  (Princess Grace Irish Library) in Monaco once its renovation is complete, they will also be open to visitors. "There will be various public events, it will not be only a museum," announced to "People" the sovereign Prince of the Principality of Monaco. And to specify among these future appointments: "We will organize an exchange program with the Princess Grace Irish Library in Monaco".

"Discussions concerning this program, the first extension abroad of the library, are already underway with the University of Villanova. As part of its current activities, the Irish Library (founded in 1984 as a tribute to Grace's love of literature) sponsors lectures and readings by contemporary authors, concerts and children's activities, ".

Regarding the date of the opening of the house to the public, Prince Albert II of Monaco said: "To give us enough time, I would say a year, but that could be less than that. To give you an answer, 2018, or maybe earlier. " So to follow ...

LA Cou Royale Monescasque: Le Ball de La Rose

C était aux côtés de son frère cadet SAS le Prince Albert II de Monaco, qui est venu sans son épouse la princesse Charlene que la Princesse Caroline de Hanovre était entouré de tous ses enfants et dans les lois ce samedi pour le Bal de la Rose 62e.
Dans la soirée du 19 Mars la salle des étoiles du Sporting Monte-Carlo avait pris le flair cubain pour accueillir le bal traditionnel de la Rose, tenue sous la présidence du Prince Albert II, son épouse la Princesse Charlène de Monaco et la Princesse Caroline de Hanovre.

Cependant, la famille de la sœur aînée du prince souverain était en pleine force. Princesse Caroline a pu compter sur la présence de ses deux filles et deux fils et leurs épouses. Comme d'habitude, toutes les femmes considèrent le clan Grimaldi avec élégance. Caroline avait opté pour une robe blanche de Chanel SS Haute Couture 2016 avec de l'argent soulignement. Les couleurs qui se trouvent dans la conduite de sa fille aînée Charlotte Casiraghi qui a été affiché dans une combinaison Chanel agrémentée d'une cape de champagne de la même collection Haute Couture. Sa plus jeune fille, la princesse Alexandra de Hanovre, 16 ans, portait une poudre robe bustier rose, a mis en évidence un large ruban noir sur la poitrine, sous un manteau assorti de Chanel Resort 2016.

Leur dans les lois Tatiana Santo Domingo, aînée épouse Andrea Casiraghi de la princesse Caroline, a choisi un violet et noir à volants robe de Gucci Resort 2016, sa sœur Beatrice Borromeo, épouse de Pierre Casiraghi, a attiré tous les regards dans une écarlate bustier train somptueux, signé par l'Italien créateur Giambattista Valli.
Photo Credits: PAris Match/Palais Princier

The Monegasque Royal Courts: Rose Ball 2016

It was alongside her younger brother HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco who came without his wife Princess Charlene that Princess Caroline of Hanover was surrounded by all her children and in laws this Saturday for the 62nd Rose Ball.
In the evening of March 19th the Hall of stars at the Sporting Monte-Carlo had taken Cuban flair to welcome the traditional ball of the Rose, held under the chairmanship of Prince Albert II, his spouse Princess Charlene of Monaco and Princess Caroline of Hanover .

However, the family of the elder sister of the sovereign prince was in full force. Princess Caroline was able to count on the presence of her two daughters and two sons and their wives. As usual, all the women view the Grimaldi clan with elegance. Caroline had opted for a white dress from Chanel SS Haute Couture 2016 with silver underline. Colors that are found in the conduct of her eldest daughter Charlotte Casiraghi who was displayed in a Chanel jumpsuit embellished with a sparkling champagne cape from the same Haute Couture collection. Her youngest daughter, Princess Alexandra of Hanover, 16, wore a strapless pink dress powdered, highlighted a wide black ribbon at the chest, under a matching coat from Chanel Resort 2016.

Their in laws Tatiana Santo Domingo, Princess Caroline's eldest Andrea Casiraghi's wife, chose a purple and black flounced dress from Gucci Resort 2016, her sister Beatrice Borromeo, wife of Pierre Casiraghi, attracted all eyes in a sumptuous scarlet strapless Train, signed by the Italian designer Giambattista Valli.
Photo Credits: PAris Match/Palais Princier




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